Saved by the Bell [Larry Stylinson Fan Fic]

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  • Dedicated to Isaac Barnes

Hey Directioners or whatever you readers are of this book :D Thanks for starting off to read this fan fic. I made other stories but I deleted them coz I got so busy and people got pissed at me for not I decided to make a new one....Anyways its a boyxboy reltionship so if you think your not comfortable with it please dont get mad at me for doing so...I decided to it like that because I think its really cute... :D  Thank you to everyone who reads this book!!! xoxo <3 Luv you all :D Comment. Vote. Fan. <3 xoxo


Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles band members of One Direction have been living together for 2 years.

Once a doorbell rings...

Liam opens the door....

And it changes everything with him, his relationship with Harry, One Direction, Management, and Fans...

What Will Happen Now?


Sorry...It sucks balls :L I know but dont worry once I head to the story...IT WILL GET BETTER :D So please Comment. Vote. Fan. :D

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