Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to Maia Gallagher

Hey guys I tried to upload this sooner but then it failed! Ahhrrrrr! Pissed me off so much but here it is.


It's New Year's Eve !! Yay! I enjoyed this year with the rest of the band. With our single, "WMYB" charting first place internationally and our album "Up All NIght" being released and topped charts worldwide.

Me and the lads are going to celebrate by having movie night with "New Year's Eve" new release on DVD.

I walk into the living room with two boals of buttered popcorn. One for Niall and Liam. One for Hazza, Zayn, and I.

I decided Niall and Liam should share the popcorn because they've been really close ever since Danielle and Liam broke up. Niall has been there for him picking up his broken heart and putting it bak together for him.

I spot Liam and Niall sitting extremely close to eachother on the bean bag next t the sofa which is in front of the TV. I hear Liam say to Niall that without him, he wouldn't be up on his feet. The rest is laughter. Im such a buzzkill when I-

"Here's your popcorn! Try not to rape each-"

"BOO! Bear! Help me with the DVD" Hazza giving me the I know what your doing, just leave them alone look.

"Kay!" Handing Niall the popcorn with a little smirk on my face and Niall is blushing, he puts the bowl of popcorn in front of him and Liam and he turns back to Liam as I walk away to help Hazza.

As I'm about to get on my knees to help Hazza with the DVD the doorbell rings. I start to peek throught the door as I slowly open it. I notice dark hair and a blonde quiff. I immediately know who it is.

"BRADFORD BOI! Zayn!" As soon as I open the door fully I notice a pretty blonde girl with her hair in a up-do holding Zayn's hand.

"Hey Perrie!" I say with a smile of excitement.

"Vas Happenin'!" Zayn yells with a solid, deep voice. "Is it okay if Perrie stay...? because I promised to spend New Year's Eve with her...?"

"Of course! I love young love it's so adorable!" I give Zayn a teasing smie. "Come in! Before you get frostbite!"

As I let Perrie and Zayn walk in I grab their coats as they hand it to me and as soon as I take it They run off to sit down on the sofa. I get shocked by the smell of the coats. It's very vibrant smelling of perfumes. I start to cough and feel a bit faint.

"Boo?" Harry comes running to rub my back. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, just the smell of their coats are very strong."

I put their coats on the hook before slamming the door shut. A cool breeze enters the flat. I start to shiver but I regain my warmth as soon as I sit on the sofa.

Niall and Liam are sitting very comfy on their bean bag next to the sofa.

I'm sitting in between Zayn and Harry.

Zayn kind've turned his back to me to Perrie with his arm around her and Perrie with her legs on Zayn's.

I like sitting next to Hazza. Lately, I've been acting up ever since me and Eleanor broke up because I'm not sure if I love her anymore as I used to. Harry is always warm to sit next to, he's like werewolve in twilight. They're hotter than Vampires.

I start to shiver of sudden coldness.

"Hey Lou. Are you okay?" looking concerned.

"Yeah. Just a l-little c-c-c-cold"

Harry puts his arm around me trying to warm me up, and it definitely works. I kind've get carried away and I put my head on his shoulder.

I raise my head up at Harrt. He looks down at me and his hazel green eyes just seduce me and OMFG! He looks super fine. I'd like to get in bed with him and his warm temperature. WTF? AM I THINKING?! HE'S MY BEST FRIEND! I CAN'T HAVE FEELINGS FOR HIM! His eyes look right in to my eyes and I feel tingly near my heart.

We lean into eachother about to kiss. I see him start to close his eyes and the movie has barely started and I start to close my eyes and I get ready for a snog until-


I jump up in shock and so does Harry and I start to walk to the door really pissed and ready to let out my anger.

As I open the door I'm in shock of what I see and the person who is at the door and it smells so good. He gets rid of my anger and pissy mood. I am glad to see-


Cliffhanger!! Sorry guys! You know I had to do it to start some drama behind this book. CVF!!!!! LOVE YOU ALL! I haven't even finished Chapter 2 yet but I promise you! YOU WILL LOVE IT! and this story will get better! I PROMISE! <3 xoxo I didn't think I had to do this but....I want 2 comments and 2 votes if you want me to upload the cliffhanger.... soz guys I didnt want to do this. But I want this story to get more reads. xoxox Luv yu all!!!!!

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