Chapter 12

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Zayn's POV

As soon as everyone is in bed. I slowly get out of bed and get changed into a hoody.

*After car ride to Josh's place*

I head to the backyard. It's a girl. Shes got long black hair and she's in heals. I know exactly who she is. I can't believe it was Josh's Fiancee, Cher Lloyd.

That's so true! She was there that night because Josh was there to make sure we didn't get too drunk and do something stupid. Good job Josh! 

In my hand I was holding 1 million dollars of pure money. I slide it into my back pocket just to make sure, there wasn't anything cheesy going on.

She had a devious smirk on her face. "Hi Zayn."

I gulped really hard. "Hi Cher." Giving her the same look back. "Are you 'C'?" She nodded slightly.

"Where is my money?" Pulling out her hand.

"Here." I grabbed it out of my pocket and pulled it out in front of me. She was about to grab it but I pulled it away. 

"Once I give you the money, you will delete the video?" She nodded. "No extra copies?" She nodded. "I am warning you, if you put anything of that video anywhere. I will tell Josh and he will never marry you or love you ever again." By this she looked down at the money and instantl looked guilty.

She reached for the money and pushed it towards me. Doesn't she want it anymore? "Take it." I gasped. 

"Why?" Not that I wanted her to keep the money but I was curious. 

"Because I don't want to risk my love with Josh." I saw a tear coming from her eye. Her mascara smudged. I felt sorry for her. I gave her a hug. She cried harder into my shoulder. She was my friend and I wanted to comfort her.

"Thank you." Is all I can say to her. She pulls out of the hug. Her mascara is all over her face. She smiled.

"I'm s-sor-ry." She stuttered. I looked at her confused.

"For threatening you with this video." She actually meant it.

"Yeah, why did you do that?" She started to play with her fingers.

"Because when we were on X Factor you and the rest of little One Direction got me eliminated!" She said with rage.

"That was a long time ago Cher! We didn't do anything but be the best at what we do. Your overreacting!" Now I'm kind've annoyed with her because she is making a big deal about a little thing.

"I know! I'm sorry." She started to cry again. I gave her another hug and she finally calmed down. 

"You need to get some rest." She nodded and went into her house and waved goodbye. 

*After car ride home*

I headed up to my room and Perrie was lying down on the bed in tears. I ran to her and immediately hugged her. "What's wrong?" She said putting her head on my shoulder and started sobbing. 

"I thought you left me." I was really confused? Why would she think that?

"Why would you think that?" She pulled away from the hug and looked into my eyes.

"Because I woke up to cuddle but my bed was empty. You weren't there." 

I smiled at her. I pecked her lips. "Go back to bed and I promise I will be right next to you when you wake up." She smiled and gave me a long passionate kiss. She kissed my neck and went back to sleep. I did the same.

She layed her head on my chest, tugging on my shirt. She looked up. "I love you." My heart was beating rapidly. "I love you too." We both went to sleep. I thought about everything that happened today.  I mangaed to fall into a deep sleep thinking about Perrie.

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