Chapter 2: Welcome to Letterkenny

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Authors note:
Hey everybody I'm back!! I'm so sorry for the long wait. My family moves houses a lot and we were moving again. To just top everything off I had a case of writers block, so I spent some time working on other stories. I have me whole plan now and can hopefully work on my stories more now. Sorry for the short one, more will come!! Thank you!

"Who am I?!" I shrieked, grabbing and pulling at my hair. Everything yet nothing came rushing back. Wave upon wave of nothing flooding my brain.
Waking up on the side of the road, bleeding and in pain. Anxiety overtakes my lungs forcing out air. What or where could my life be?!
My breathing slowly becomes laboured, I can't get in any air. The long haired boy kneeling in front of me jumps up and wraps his arms around me. In the meantime the boy who found me gently takes my hands from my hair and holds them in his hands.
He crouches and looks up at me. His eyes glassed over in sadness. "It's okay. Calm down" he says in a steady voice, "we'll figure this out".
He slowly rubs his thumb up and down the side of my hand in a comforting manner.
Air slowly starts to reach my lungs more with each breath I take. The room stops spinning and though my head was cluttered, it that one moment, it felt free. As if every wall around my brain had been broken down.
The black haired boy stays there for a few seconds longer gazing deep into my eyes. His emotions radiating off of him like the sun shines.
He shakes his head suddenly and stands back up to his full height. His hand outstretched towards me, I take it slowly, using my other hand to push myself up as he pulled.
"My names Stewart. Welcome to Letterkenny."

"Hi" is all I can manage to say. "My mind is still cluttered." I rub my hands over my eyes. "Why are you guys calling me Sparrow. Is that my name? Do I know you guys?" I ask quickly.
Stewart frowns again. "We needed something to call you at the time. A sparrow symbolizes joy. That's how I wanted you to feel when you healed. But I guess that's going to be hard."
"Mm" is all I can say when I slowly lower myself back onto the couch. " ...thanks..." I say sincerely, a small smile forming on my lips.

"Alright!" A curly haired man yells as he walks into the room. "You" he points his index finger at me, "need a place to stay".
Everybody is quick to raise their hands. When a girl enters the room. Holy shit! Theres actually another female in this house! Thank god!!
"No, no, no, no, no!" She raises her voice. "Sparrow will be staying with me. I'm not gonna let all of you crowd her. No skids, no Irish Senior's, and Big Brother, not you, Darry, or Squirrly Dan." She says with a commanding, sassy attitude... I like her already.
I stand up and make my way over to her carefully limping until one of Stewart's friends step in, Roald, I believe his name was.
I put my hand out as if to shake the girls hand, but she takes it and pulls me into a hug. "No handshaking" she said "you're part of the Letterkenny family now. 'Names Katy"
"I guess I'm Sparrow" I say back "and by the way, I really appreciate you saving my butt back there, the boys are all very nice, but it's better to have another girl around" I say quiet and greatfully.
"You can say that again" she laughs.

"Hold on now Katy" her 'Big Brother' says. "Sparrow, Katy's room is upstairs. Considering your... predicament" he says gesturing to my injuries, "I don think you should be walk'n up stairs. Or down."
"Someone watches her..." Darry cuts in quickly, stopping think, I'm pretty sure. "Pitter-patter!" Wayne jumped in giving me a fright. I jump a bit, gaining a few stares, but thoughts seem to go back to Darry. "What I mean is, if someone watches Sparrow then she can go wherever she needs because someone is always there to help."
"Smart, for a shirt tucker" one of the guys dresses on black mumbles. Devon is his name I think.

"Shifts!" Someone raises they're voices. I don't know who. My eyes are slowly starting so get harder to hold open. All of a sudden a hand rests on my shoulder. I look up to see Stewart crouching looking at me sympathetically.
"Hey you alright, you look like you're about to drop off at any second... Com'on, lets get you to a bed, you can't sleep on a couch." By now everyone's eyes are on me. I see Stewart look at Katy and she heads to open a closet filled with blankets.
Stewart slowly wraps him arms around my legs and the small of my back. He lifts me up and slowly starts to walk up the stairs. I slowly drift off in his arms, listening to the sound of his heartbeat and controlled breaths.

The Skids (Stewart x reader) LETTERKENNYWhere stories live. Discover now