Chapter 3: A day out ferda

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"Hey!" Two Children run around laughing. Dirt covers their faces. "JJ!!" The little girl yells. The younger boy runs further into the forest amongst the heavy brush. "Wait up!" She yells, running into the deep, thick bush. "JJ? Where are you?" The young girl stops at the sign of laughing knowing he's somewhere close. She halts, her breath picks up. Down where she's looking are her friends bloody, red, legs leading under a bush. She screams...

"Ahhhhh!!!" I shoot up in a strange bed. My breathing's slowly getting under control. The door to the room I'm in busts open. There stand the two boys who drive the red Jeep.
"Are you okay?! What happened? Do you need any help?!" They each bombarded me with questions. "No!no!no... I'm fine" I rub my eyes with my fists. "I'm sorry it was just a nightmare".
"Do you remember anything?"
"I. I-I don't know... I'm sorry"
"Stop apologizing" the brown haired boy says. "You have nothing to be sorry for. Also extra clothes are on the desk, Wayne says not to take a shower yet because he doesn't want your injuries getting worse. We'll be right outside the door if you need us." He watch me struggle getting out of the bed still in my tattered clothes.
"Scratch that, WHEN you need us." They slowly close the door.

I limp slowly and carefully towards the desk on the other side of the room. Thank god, when I pick up the clothes it's a nice baggy shirt with some shorts. I hate tight clothing I always feel like I can't move. Then again also with my injuries there will be less pressure.
I take my time putting my clothes on trying not to jar myself. When I finally pull the shirt over my head, I slowly limp over to the door.

As predicted the two boys are sitting on the edge of the stairs chatting quietly to each other. I close the door and they both turn to look at me and get up. "Yay stairs" I say sarcastically, earning a few laughs.
"We got ya!" They say in unison. They grab my arms, wrap them around each of their shoulders and each sweep up a leg. "Leg day ferda!" To say the least I yelped... yeah I know but they scared me.
They carry me down the stairs and into the lounge room onto the couch. They place me down carefully then walk away.
Well what am I supposed to do know... blondie comes back into the room with a huge plate of pancakes then proceeds to go get a huge plate of bacon. He places them both down in the coffee table. Then brown hair comes in with like 6 or 7 types of drinks in his hand, and of course the biggest bottle of maple syrup I've ever seen...
Brown hair places an empty plate in front of me, and points to all the food.
"Eat." "Eat?" I repeat back to him. " yeah, eat" "all of it?" "Eat as much as you want, just not too much, don't need you throwing up."

As I ate the boys sat there not staring at me in order to not make this anymore awkward than it already is. "Sooooooo, do you guys have names or are you just Blondie and Brown Hair?" I ask breaking the ice. "What and what? Is that what you've been calling us?" Brown hair asks laughing "maybe..." I say back smirking.
"While I'm Jonesy, and he's Reilly" brown hair said, then pointing to blondie.
"While it is very nice to meet you both" I say in a British accent. " so... where is everybody else?" I ask, I haven't seen anyone else all morning, not even Katy was in her room.
"They all had work to go do so we're taking today's babysitting shift" Reilly replied.
"Babysitting? I think I might be a little old for babysitting don't you think?" I counter back.
"All depends on how you behave, if your good you can have desert" Reilly jokes, I laugh at his humour.

"Okay, I don't think I could eat another bite if I tried" I said pushing my plate further away from me on the coffee table.
"Great, you've gotta beef up, you're skinnier than a gopher in winter".

"So, what am I supposed to do with myself now, considering this isn't my house and I don't really know anything to be frank."
"Sparrow, do you like hockey?" "Well how the fuck am I supposed to know??" I say back.
"Good point" says Jonesy.
"Well Jonesy and I play for the Irish Seniors, the towns upper league hockey team. We have practice soon and your coming along with us."

"Okay cool, who's carrying me because I sure as hell ain't moving off this couch even using my own free will."
"Oh shoot yeah" Reilly helps me slowly lift myself off the couch and wraps an arm around my waist. He walks along side me as we slowly limp out towards a red Jeep. He helps seat me in the passenger side of the Jeep then jumps around to help Jonesy with the bags. When they're finally done, Jonesy's driving and Reilly is sitting with the bags in the back and off we go!

Twenty minutes later we're at the ice rink and I'm drinking something called an Iced Capp from someplace called Timmies the two boys wouldn't shut up about.
I open the door and Jonesy comes around and gingerly lowers me to the ground till my feet reach. I'm standing there for a few minutes while they grab their stuff and help me walk inside.
"Locker rooms right?" Reilly talks to Jonesy, "locker rooms" Jonesy confirms. They help me walk down a 2 metre wide hallway filled with millions of doors.
"Hey Sparrow?" "Yeah?" "You're about to get traumatized, please don't hate us, it's just so we can keep an eye on you, okay?" "Okay??" I reply confused.
We turn into a room and low and behold there were a lot of half naked dudes sitting on benches.

"Nope!" I say right as I walk in the locker room, I turn on my heel doing a 180 and begin to make my way out. "Where do you think you're going?" Jonesy and Reilly day in unison lifting off the ground, making me hover, with each of their arms under my armpits.
They carry me over to an empty space on the bench so I can rest my body.
"Ahhh, just great, it's my dream come true, you know? To be surrounded by half naked men, though it's kinda how I wanted to die..." I say sarcastically; Reilly and Jonesy just roll their eyes and get ready.
"Who's the chick?"
"Probably a puck bunny..."
"Nice! Big city slams, boys!!"

"Her names Sparrow, she ain't no big city slam, she ain't no puck bunny." Jonesy came to my defence... I think... was I being attacked or complemented?
Soon Reilly stood in front of the team, after setting up. "Alright boys listen up. This," he gestured to me, "is Sparrow, she is now your responsibility. If she gets hurt, you get hurt. You lose her, you lose us." Reilly gave me a quick wink after seeing my worried face.

"Keep her safer than you, you little bitch, Yorkie," "way safer, Shultzy," "she's never seen safe like this before, Fisky," "I'll keep her straight in my sight, she'll never have felt so safe, Boomtown," "I love my wife like I love keeping her safe."
"Okay now that's all over... Sparrow will you be alright?" Jonesy questioned grabbing his stick. "Yeah, can you help me to the benches though" Jonesy quickly wrapped his arm around my waist and helped me stand up and we both waddled to the heated benches by the rink; him in his skates, me in my pain.
"You're lucky it's just a prac-i, you don't have to sit in the cold too long." After that Jonesy left to get the team and they all came back, opened the door and started practice.
Most of the time it looked like they were all just goofing off, making me laugh a few times. Then One of them tripped onto the other causing a jam and I couldn't hold in my laughter, it made my stomach hurt, like really hurt.
I enjoyed myself so much, I might not have liked hockey in my past life but if I didn't, I sure do now.
As soon as the practice had started it felt like it had ended. The whole team ended up just having a fun time.
Reilly came back over to help take me back to the locker room with the awaiting team, when he started to look horrified with each step he got closer to me, freaking me out.
I followed his eyes down to my stomach, where a large red splotch had drained its way onto my shirt.
Reilly quickly ran the rest of the way toward me, making sure I am awake and aware. To be honest, I couldn't even feel the damn thing.
"Guys!" Reilly raised his voice, calling someone, anyone in the team for help. "Guys!! Help!" Reilly screeched a second time. This time hearing footsteps come rushing down the hallway.
And just my luck, the whole team comes around the corner. Great, just great.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2020 ⏰

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