Chapter 1: Who are you?

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Authors note:
Hey guys! I just wanted to put a disclaimer on here and say that all rights are reserved. I do not own any of the characters except Sparrow. I hope you have fun reading this, please give me feedback. This is my first time writing FanFiction, so please leave a comment at any mistakes, observations, or if you just want to talk! ;)

"Hey, hey are you okay?" Someone's shaking my shoulders. Thick greasy locks dangled before my eyes.
"Where'm-I?" I can only manage to mumble. My head feels warm and wet. My memory is so hazy. I reach up to my head to feel the warm liquid.
"Alright, alright, maybe let's not touch that. Can you tell me you name?" He asks while pulling my hand away from my head.
My name, what's my name? I think for a while, nothing. I can't remember anything. All I can do is just lie there and start crying.
"Hey, it's okay, you're okay" He said trying to comfort me. "Dammit."
A bright light flashes on his face. I think it's a phone, yeah, he's holding a phone. After typing something he just puts it away again.
"Okay, I'm going to lift you. Do you think you can stand by yourself?" He asks.
"Mm" is all I can respond. He starts raising my shoulders putting me in a sitting position. I'm already groaning in pain. "Do you want me to stop? Are you in pain? I can stop?" He starts bombarding me with questions. "M-no" is all I can say. I don't want to be left here alone, so I have to try.
He starts lifting me into a standing position gingerly. Finally I'm on my feet, wobbling and swinging back and forth, but on my feet.
I stare down at them, watching, waiting for something to happen. Then my face runs cold. All the weight I had leaning on the man falls. "Shit!" Is all I hear before everything turns black.
I'm so tired, I can barely open my eyes. I can feel I'm in someone's arms, are they running? They keep saying thing like "you're going to be okay" and "you're fine" it makes me wonder if they are talking to me or themselves.
My eyes can hardly hold open yet create a clear image. The last thing I see is greasy locks, then nothing.
"Do you think she'll be okay?" "Roald, I'm sure she'll be fine" I feel the bed depress and then someone's touching my head and checking my arms over.
"What I'm really worried about is the wound on her stomach. I think we should take her to him. This is a matter where we shouldn't fight with him."
I squeeze my eyes open. Everything is dark. That's when I notice why the bed depressed. Some random dude is sitting next to me. Nope, that ain't gonna fly.
So I do what any normal person would do, I run. Only taking in the blurry details on the walls. There's lots of posters and graffiti. The two people in the room start yelling out.
I only make it a few metres out the door into another room until I run into someone. They wrap their arms around me to keep me from running. But it makes the pain spike up in my abdomen. It hurts, it hurts so bad.
My knees go weak and nearly buckle in pain. "Good catch Devon" a man says from behind me, running out of the room I was in. I'm gasping, gaping for my breathe. I can't breath. Then black.

Stewart POV

"Good catch Devon" I say when the mystery girl runs out of the room. We can't have her on her feet to much with the wound she has in her stomach.
The girl starts gasping, shit. "Girl are you okay?!" She nearly dropped to the floor unconscious, she would have if it hadn't been for Devon.
I run over as Dev lies her down softly on the ground. "Okay no more horsing around. We're taking her to him." I say worried. "Roald go get a cloth for pressure. Devon, bring the car around. I'll carry her out." I order.
Everyone went to do their jobs. I lifted girl into a sitting position and placed my arms under her legs and the small of her back, picking her up bridal style. I walk briskly outside just as Dev pulls around the corner.
He jumps out of the driver's seat and pulls open the back door. I climb in without hesitation still holding on to girl. Dev shuts the door then runs back around to wait for Roald in the drivers seat.
Roald comes running out a few seconds after with a fluffy towel in his hands.
He rips open the door to the passenger seat, throwing himself in. "Okay, go!" We yell in unison. Dev slams it on the pedal and we speed down to the farm.
Roald hands back the towel and I start applying pressure to the wound. "Do you think he'll help us?" Roald asks. "I hope so. If he pulls that 'if a man asks for help' crap and says she ain't asking. Then him and me are going to have a big problem." I answer, gritting my teeth.
"Him and I" Roald speaks out of the blue. "What?" I question. "You said 'him and me', when you should have said 'him and I'" "does that really matter at the moment Roald?" I counter.
That's when Dev buts in "It kind of does man. Grammar mistakes could kill a king.".
We start pulling into the drive of the farm. That don't pull down the drive crap doesn't matter at the moment so we drive right up to the house, blaring the car horn to get their attention.
Wayne, the shirt tucker, walks out, followed by Darry. They're dogs growling angrily at us.
"Now, the fuck you think you're doing here Skids" Wayne says annoyed. "We come in peace" Roald says jumping out of the car, hands up, before either of us.
"We have an 11-80, we have an 11-80. It's real bad. We need your help" he begs. "When a man asks for help..." Darry says leaning over to Wayne. "Gus, Stormy, stand down" I watch Wayne say confidently. The two dogs back off and leave to do their own thing.
"Who is it?" He questions loudly. Devon runs around from the driver's seat and opens the back door. He then proceeds to help me by taking the towel I was using to apply pressure and doing that for me. I'm then able to lift her out of the car with less worries.
I stay standing beside the car with Girl, not knowing what Wayne's reaction will be. Devon is still standing beside me applying pressure.
"Girl. I found her down by the fields, she's got major injuries. Girl's got a hit to the head, her arms are marked up, and a deep wound on her abdomen. She's going to need stitches, maybe blood." I blabber out. "We need your help Wayne".
"Okay, 10-4." He says whilst starting to briskly walk over. He starts looking over Girl, noticing the bloody towel being pushed on her stomach by Devon. He lifts it slowly, then as I watch him warily, he lifts her shirt to see a deep, wide gash on the right side of her abdomen stretching up to her ribs. It looks worse than before.
"Shit" I breathe. "Oky doky, bring her inside, put her on the bench. Darry get the kit." Wayne orders.
I walk into the house fast, making my way to the dining room bench. Gently placing her down, Darrell comes rushing into the room with the first aid kit and starts cutting open Girls shirt for medical, and Wayne comes in pouring alcohol over his hands, spilling it on the floor.
I watch as Wayne does his work. He manages to stop the blood flow of her stomach. As Wayne finishes his last stitch. He immediately moves to Girls head cleaning the wound and placing gauze, then wrapping her head. It was a good choice to come to him.
"Her arms seem okay, nothing to bad." He says once he's finished. "Thank you, she might not have made it if we'd tried driving to the city." I say.
"Yeah, alright. So your Girl gotta name?" He asks, as I turn red from him saying 'my' Girl. "No, when she woke up before she didn't seem to remember a thing. No memories left, scared her senseless." I respond.
"Should probably give'er one. Read that it helps amnesiacs recover with a sense of non-loneliness. Besides just calling her Girl is like giving a dog a human name. It just ain't right." He speaks quick. "Bailey" I say, not giving much thought. "No. What the fuck, you don't just give her some name from the top of your head. Especially if it's a ladder brand, try again and put some effort in superchief." He gets angry quickly. "Sparrow" I say quietly under my breath. "Better".
Right then Katy walks in with her two goons, and sees Girl, er, Sparrow sprawled out on the table.
She seems disgusted at the sight of the blood yet worried for the girl.
"Big Brother! What happened?!" She yells. "Don't know" is all he says and I watch in silence as she storms off.
"Hey hicks" I say to the two stunned pricks. "Did you do this?! What's wrong with you!" They both start accusing me loudly.
"Take 10 percent of there buds" Wayne buys in. " give me one valid reason he would do this" he continues defending me. The two hockey players back off. I give Wayne a small smile before turning back to the girl.
She looks so peaceful in her sleep. Mind completely unaware of anything happening in this world. It must be peaceful.
"Sparrow still needs blood" Wayne says as he walks over to join us, pulling me from my thoughts. "Does anyone have 0-, it's the universal donor" everyone stands there in silence until Jonsey speaks up "Yeah, I do" he says confidently. "Good Darry hook'im up" Wayne says walking away.
Eventually Darry walks over with a long tube with a needle on each end. He starts by hooking up Jonsey first in order to get the right suction on the blood flow. He then proceeds to attach the second side into the inner of Sparrows elbow.
Finally I watch as the blood begins to travel through the tube.
It's been an hour or two now since Jonsey was unhooked from giving Sparrow blood. Her body had been good enough to function on its own now.
Over the hours not much happened. Katy came past before leaving through the front door and taking the car with her, other than that the boys and I have just been sitting around waiting for Sparrow to wake up.
Soon enough we hear a car pull up in the drive, a few seconds later Katy walks in holding a bag. "The hell you been?" Wayne asks "Reilly came up and told me what happened and I figured that you actually weren't being heartless." She explained.
"I thought hey I can help too, so I was going through my clothes but they were all way to big. Considering the girl looks like she hasn't eaten in weeks, I went out to the store and bought her some new clothes. Though now looking at them even though they're way smaller than mine, they still seem big. But I guess they're better than my clothes." She continues.
"Has she woken up yet?" She asked, obviously trying to change the conversation if you ask me. "No, but we should move her off the table. She'll wake up faster when her body's more comfortable it will provide less of a shock too" Wayne replies.
We all seem to have a silent agreement. So I get up and walk over to Sparrow. Pull into a sitting position, and pick her up bridal style to move her over to the couch. I place her down gently trying not to agitate the stitches. Then I go back to my chair, watch her, and wait.

Sparrow POV

My body's in so much pain. At least my memories aren't blank anymore, I have something to look back on, though they are fuzzy. I remember being carried a lot. Black hair, something about me being okay.
Slowly, I open my eyes, bright lights stab my retinas.
I feel like shit. My whole body feels stiff and I haven't even moved yet. I try opening my eyes again. They're a little more used to the light now. I look around, I'm in a new place now. It's clean, a bunch of dudes are littered around the room. Oh dear lord, not again.
Slowly and subtly I make my consciousness aware. Groaning quietly, all the men's heads turn towards me, creeping me out.
As I take all of their appearances in, they all stare at me worried as if I might do something. One stands up tall, but slowly crouches down as I back away over the edge of the couch. He's new, his long blond hair dangles just below his shoulders. He's putting his hands raised in the air to me.
"It's okay. You're hurt, we're just helping. Sparrow, we need you to calm down though. You have stitches in your stomach and we can't afford you tearing them." He speaks slowly and quietly. As if he's speaking to an injured animal.
I stop backing to listen. My eyes travel down to my stomach lifting my new, clean shirt to see stitches from my hip to my ribs. They helped me.
Slowly I raise to my full height instead of crouching. It hurt but I made it, now to address my real worry.
"Why do you keep calling me Sparrow? Who are y- who am I?" Their faces seem to all change into a frown.

The Skids (Stewart x reader) LETTERKENNYWhere stories live. Discover now