Part Seven

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Celeste sat down and breathed a sigh of relief after she had finished securing the panther girl. I looked at Celeste and I could tell that she was hurting and trying to hide it from me. “How bad is the right wing? Don't lie to me either. I can see you trying to hide the pain every time you move it a little.” “I think she broke it. It feels like it is grinding when I move it and it hurts like hell. I lost my temper when she hit me and let her have it as hard as I could and even then she almost got out of the way.

I forgot just how damned fast you are in a fight and how deadly you can be. She only got in one good attack on me and she broke my wing and almost knocked me out. You two were moving like a movie on fast forward. I can see why they want you back now, but I'd do it all again and suffer even more to help you stay free.” I grabbed her and kissed her then made her sit down while I scrounged up a few things I had managed to acquire during my last few months of prepping for just such an attack.

“I wont lie to you, this is going to hurt like hell but it has to be done before you bleed any more from that rip in your wing.” I put a syringe of pain killer into her wing and she screamed in pain. I jumped back out of the way of her fist as she lashed out in pain just as I would have. She caught her breath and sat down to let me stitch her wing up and try to set the bone as best I could.

She gritted her teeth as I sewed the wound shut and set the bone in the wing as best I could. Once I was done I had used up almost all the thread trying to stitch her wing back together again. I then looked at her right side and used the rest of the thread to close up a nasty set of deep gashes where the girl had used her claws on her feet to slice into the side of Celeste as she bounced off of her and into me.

The pain killers were dulling the pain but it still had to hurt like hell as I stitched up the five deep gashes in her side. The girl laying on the couch was in bad shape but at least she had stopped bleeding for the moment but her head was going to hurt when she woke up again. Celeste had hit her pretty damned hard and almost caved in her skull. This is why most people with half a brain never piss off an avian.

“I'm going to call Debbie and have her take you in to the hospital to get looked at. I can't be sure you don't have internal bleeding and the wing needs to be looked at by someone who can set it properly.” I called Debbie and told her that I needed her there and to be careful. “Debbie, We need you at the shop now. It's time.” Debbie muttered some curse words, hung up and I prepared to leave once she had Celeste on the way to the hospital.

Debbie showed up in about 15 minutes and let herself in through the garage door like she usually did. Seeing the mess on the floor and the light on in the office she came up immediately. “Holy shit! Are you guys okay?” I'll be fine in a few hours Debbie, but Celeste needs to go to the hospital to get looked at. I sewed her up as best I could but her wing is in bad shape. I'm no doctor but I'm certain it is broken in at least one place for sure.”

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