Chapter 4: Crazy together

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Peter's Pov:

Dustin, Lucas, Mike and I all came out of Mike's house when we heard Jonathan's car pull up. While we waited for Will to get out of the car, the four of us started hitting each other with pillow cases. Will got out of the car and ran to us and we greeted him. Before we left I ran up to Jonathan's car and knocked on the drivers seat window. Jonathan rolled it down and looked at me "Yes Peter?" "If you go to that party tonight, can you make sure Steve doesn't get too drunk please?" I asked him. "How do you know I am going to the party?" He asked. "Well... I don't know. Just please keep an eye on Steve" I told him and gave him a smile. He nodded and chuckled "Okay" and rolled up the window again. I ran back over to my friends and Will grabbed my hand and we went on our way.

"Trick or treat" The five of us yelled in sync and a lady opened the door. "Oh, cute. Well, aren't you cute. Little exterminators and a football player" She said as she held out a bowl of 3 Musketeers. We all took some and left. "If I get another 3 Musketeers, I'm gonna kill myself" Lucas complained. "What's wrong with 3 Musketeers?" Dustin asked him. ""What's wrong with 3 Musketeers"" Lucas mocked Dustin. "No one likes 3 Musketeers" Mike said. "Yeah, its just nouget" Will continued. "Weird tasting nouget" I added. "Woah, just nouget? Just nouget? It is top 3 for me" Dustin explained to us. "Top 3?" Lucas asked him. "Top 3" Dustin said. "Oh god, give me break" Mike spoke. "Seriously, I can just eat a whole bowl of nouget. Straight up" Dustin explained before someone wearing a Michael Myers mask jumped out from behind a bush, scaring us. We all screamed and I clinged onto Will's arm tightly. "Holy shit! You should have seem the look on your faces" The person removed the mask to reveal Max. "And you? Who screams like that, you sound like a little girl" Max looked at me and I rolled my eyes and let go of Will's arm. She started to walk but soon looked back "Hey you guys coming or not? Oh, I heard we should hit up Loch Nora. That's where the rich people live right?" Max explained to us. "My family is not that rich" I said, slightly offended but not that offended as I know she had no idea that I lived in Loch Nora. She looked at me a little apologetically and then started walking away. Dustin and Lucas travelled close behind. Will and I followed and Mike trailed behind.

The six of us walked away from a persons house. Dustin, Lucas and Max in front, Me in the middle and Mike and Will slightly behind me. "Another full size. Like, seriously, rich people are such suckers" Dustin said and I smacked his arm. He looked back at me "Sorry" and turned back around. "Wait. You're not rich, right?" Dustin asked Max. "No, I live up Old Cherry Road" Max told him. "Oh" Dustin said. "No, its fine. I mean, the street's good for skating" Max spoke. "Yeah, totally tubular. What? Did I say that right? Ot is it like tubular" Dustin said changing up the way he said tubular each time. "Its like... Totally tubular" Lucas said, imitating a surfer. I chuckled a little and joined Will and Mike behind me. Will was filming Max, Dustin and Lucas. "Did you two agree to this?" Mike asked Will and I. "What?" Will asked and put the camera down from filming Dustin, Lucas and Will. "To her joining our party" Mike said. "Its just for Halloween" I spoke. "You should have checked with me" Mike looked at me and Will. "Well, they were excited. I guess I thought you'd be ok with it" Will explained. "She's ruining the best night of the year" Mike said and stormed off. I ran after him, wanting to talk to him.

"Mike, where did Will go?" I asked Mike and looked around for Will. I couldn't find him anywhere. When I left to catch up to Mike, Will was behind us but he wasn't there anymore. The two of us ran around looking for Will while Max, Lucas and Dustin continued to trick or treat. "Oh shit. Oh god. Oh fuck" I mumbled as we continued to look for Will but haven't had any luck yet. I ran down these stairs and looked behind a house and saw Will sitting on the ground with his eyes closed. "Will! Will , what's wrong?" I wrapped my arms around his body tightly. Mike saw us and he ran to Will and I. "We couldn't find you. Are you hurt?" I asked him unwrapping my arms from his body and looking at him to see if he was okay. He didn't reply and instead was just breathing heavily. "Holy shit" I heard and saw Dustin, Lucas and Max coming down the stairs to us. "Is he okay?" Lucas asked. "I don't know. I'm gonna get you home, okay? I'm gonna get you home. hold on." I told him and Mike and I helped him stand to his feet. "All right take it easy" Dustin came over us. "I got him. We got him" Mike told him and Dustin backed up. "Mike" Dustin said. "Keep trick or treating. We're bored anyways" Mike explained and him, Will and I walked away from them.

Will, Mike and I sat in Mike's basement with candy scattered around. I had taken most of my costume off, except for the shirt and pants obviously. The three of us sat on the couch talking. "Its like... like I'm stuck" Will started to explain. "Like, like stuck in the Upside Down?" I asked him. "No.  You know on a View-Master  when it gets, like..." Will said. "Caught between two slides?" Mike asked. "Yeah. Like that. Like one sides our world and the other... The other slide is the Upside Down" Will explained. "And there was this noise coming from everywhere. And then I saw something" Will told us. "The Demogorgon?" Mike asked Will. "No. It was like this huge shadow in the sky. Only, it was alive. And it was coming for me" Will spoke. "Is this all real? Or is it like the doctors say, all in your head?" I placed my hand on his knee gently. "I don't know. Just... Just please don't tell the others, okay? They won't understand" Will looked at both me and Mike and we nodded. "Eleven would" Mike said, looking down at the ground. "She would?" Will asked. "Yeah. She always did. Sometimes I feel like I still see her. Like she's still around, but she never is. I don't know. Sometimes I feel like I'm going crazy" Mike spoke. "Me, too" Will said. "Me three" I added. Mike gave us a small smile "Hey, well, if we're all going crazy, then we'll go crazy together, right?" "Yeah, crazy together" Will smiled, chuckled and grabbed my hand, gently.

Word count: 1198

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