Chapter 16: Mount Sinai

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Peter's Pov:

When Mike and I got outside, Dustin and Lucas were struggling to get Steve in the car. When they finally did Lucas sat in the passengers seat, Dustin sat on one side of Steve and Mike sat on the other and Max in the drivers. I sat on Steve's lap, knowing that I needed to fix Steve's face. As Max drove, I cleaned Steve's cuts with rubbing alcohol and Dustin held an ice pack to Steve's forehead. "Nancy?" Steve woke up and that was the first thing he mumbled, looking at Mike. "Oh" He realized who it was and went to rub a cut on his nose. "No, don't touch it" Dustin said and moved Steve's hand with his own. "Hey, buddy... Its okay. You put up with the fight. He kicked your ass, but you put up with fight. You're okay." Dustin told him. "Okay, you're gonna keep straight for half a mile, then make a left on Mount Sinai" Lucas told Max and Steve looked at him and then Max. "What's going on?" Steve mumbled, his voice still sounding like he just woke up. "Oh, my god!" Steve said as he realized Max was driving. "Just relax. She's driven before" Dustin reassured Steve. "Yeah, in a parking lot" Mike said. "That counts" Lucas told Mike. "They were going to leave you behind. I promised that you'd be cool, okay?" Dustin continued talking to Steve but he was just freaking out. He wrapped his arms around my torso and held me against his torso as Max started to speed up. "Stop the car. Slow down. Stop the car!" Steve continued to freak out. "Everybody shut up! I'm trying to focus!" Max yelled. "Oh, wait, that's Mount Sinai. Make a left" Lucas told Max. "What?" Max questioned Lucas. "Make a left" He told her again and she made a sharp left turn, causing everyone to scream.

Max pulled up to the entrace of the hole to the tunnels. "Hello" Steve yelled as Max stopped the car. "Incredible" Mike mumbled. "I told you. Zoomer" Mac said before getting out of the car. They all quickly got out of the car and I slowly stumbled out, trying not to put any pressure on my one leg. I stood one legged, outside the car as everyone else got stuff from the trunk and Steve stumbled out of the car. "Hey, where do you think you're going? What are you, deaf? Hello? We are not going down there right now. I made myself clear. Hey, there is no chance we're going to that hole, alright? This ends right now!" Steve yelled as the rest of the kids got things out of the trunk and started to carry gasoline into the hole. "Steve, you're upset, I get it. But the bottom line is, a party member requires assistance, and it is our duty to provide that assistance. Now, I know you promised Nance that you would keep us safe. So, keep us safe" Dustin said to Steve and handed him his backpack. Steve took the backpack from Dustin and handed it to me. He picked me up and put me on his back and I clinged onto his back not wanting to fall off and put the backpack on my back. After everyone else got down in the tunnels, Steve and I went down and I had Steve's backpack on my back. "Holy shit" Steve mumbled, looking around at the tunnels. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure its this way" Mike said, looking at a map he had. "You're pretty sure, or you're certain?" Dustin asked Mike. "I'm 100% sure. Just follow me and you'll know" Mike shouted back at him and started to walk but was stopped by Steve. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey, hey, hey, hey. I don't think so. Any of you little shits die down here, I'm getting the blame. Got it, dipshit? From here on out, I'm leading the way. Come on, lets go" Steve yelled at everyone and walked towards him with me clinging onto him tightly. Steve started to walk away from the rest of the group and I held onto him tighter, scared that I was going to fall off. Everyone else followed Steve and I.

We continued through the tunnels as Steve led us to the part on the map that Mike had marked. "What is this place?" Max asked as we walked through the tunnels. "Guys, come on. Keep moving" Steve said and we continued to walk as I held onto Steve. Screams echoed through the tunnels and we ran back to where we were to see Dustin on the ground, screaming. "What happened?" Steve asked him. "Its in my mouth. Some got in my mouth! Shit!" Dustin screamed struggling to stand up. He coughed a few times then looked at the rest of us. "I'm okay" He said. "You serious?" Max mumbled. "Very funny, man. Nice, very nice" Steve said, annoyed and we started walking again. Steve led us through the tunnels and looked up from the map, shining his flashlight. "All right, Wheeler. I think we found your hub" Steve said and Mike came up beside him. We looked around at the area. "Lets drench it" Mike told everyone and Steve carefully placed me on the ground because I couldn't really help with this. I watched them drench the place in gasoline and when they finished, they came to the place where I was sitting and Steve lit up a lighter and threw it to the middle of the tunnels. He picked me back up and ran through the tunnels.

He ran fast with everyone else following him and me, clinging to him tightly. As we were running there were screams and I realized Mike wasn't behind us anymore. Everyone ran to where the screams were comimg from and we saw Mike on the ground with a vine wrapping around his leg. Steve took me off his back and put me into Dustins arms and grabbed his baseball bat from his backpack. Steve aggressively started to beat the vine with the nail covered bat until it came off of Mike's leg. Everyone stood up and Steve put me on his back again. There was a growl from next to us and everyone turned to face it. It was a demodog. "Dart" Dustin said and started to walk towards it. We all told him not to but he didn't listen. "Trust me. Please" He said and started to get closer to Dart. "Hey, its me. Its me. Its your friend, its Dustin. Its Dustin, all right? You remember me? Will you let us pass?" Dustin talked to Dart and he just snarled back. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry. I'm sorry about the storm cellar. It was a pretty douchey thing to do. You hungry? Yeah? I've got our favourite. Nouget" Dustin said to Dart and pulled a 3 musketeers bar out of his backpack. He put the candy on the ground and as Dart was eating it, we all walked past him. Once we were all past, Dustin followed and we continued on our way.

We quickly made our way through the tunnels when there was a rumbling noise followed by monster roars. "What was that?" Max asked managing to regain her balance. "They're coming. Run! Run!" Mike yelled and everyone ran through the tunnels. I held on to Steve as tight as I possibly could, not wanting to fall off. When we got back to the opening of the tunnels, Max was the first person to climb up, then Lucas, and then Mike. Mike took me off of Steve's back and carried me up. When we got out, he put me on the ground. "Dustin! Come on!" Lucas and Mike yelled for Dustin to take their hands but he didn't. Instead he stayed in the tunnel with Steve. We watched as the army of demodogs ran towards the two of them but instead of attacking them, they ran right past them. "Eleven" Mike mumbled.

We helped Steve and Dustin out of the tunnels and I got onto Steve's back again. When we started to walk towards Steve's car, the headlights turned on and shone a harshly bright light which caused us to cover our eyes with our arms. After a few minutes the lights settled down and went back to how they should be.

Time skip brought to you by ROCK WAR!!!

It was the day after all the closing of the gate to the upside down stuff happened and I was sitting in my room, still trying to get over what happened yesterday. Earlier in the day, my dads had taken me to the hospital about my leg and it was confirmed that the bone was in fact, broken. They also gave me stitches due to the huge cut that I had. I was sitting on my bed with a huge white cast on my lower leg and my crutches layed on the ground. The phone started to ring and I immediately picked it up. "Hello, Harrington residence. This is Peter speaking" I spoke into the phone. "Hey Peter" I heard Will say from the other end. "Oh hey Will. How are you feeling?" I said, smiling to myself. "I'm feeling better. I just wanted to say that I uh.. wasn't really asleep when you said those things to me at the lab and I uh.. I love you too, Eds. Like more than friends and I was wondering if you maybe wanted to have a dance at the snowball with me" Will told me. "Sure.. y...yeah that sounds n...nice" I said nervously. "Okay cool. I uh should probably go, bye. See ya later Peter" Will said before hanging up. I put the phone down and smiled widely and blushing.

Word count: 1641

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