Part One:

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   Heavy purple curtains draped along the windows, allowing little sun light into the throne room. You stood amongst the small crowd of gossiping maidens along the side of the room, looking forth at the display. The room busied with their giggles while a sharp buzzing sound rang amongst them. You stayed silent amongst the group, watching everyone smile evilly. Your focus shifted again to the king who looked down on the scientist with a stern gaze. The scientist's voice was loud and strange, drowning out the noises around you. His words came out of his mouth differently compared to the way people usually spoke in the land, and the mere sound of it was something you've never heard before. Beside him, hovering ever so slightly on the carpet that led to the throne, was a creature made of metal. It's body rolled as it breathed and a bright blue light illuminated from within itself. Decorated with cylinders you have never seen before, it carried a strange weapon in one hand.

"I can replace many of your men," the scientist explained. "Armies. I can build armies and there would be no more worry about dying! I just need more support, a lil more riches and-"

This had been the first time you took part of the event. You couldn't understand that this was the same meetings the maids would describe to you while doing chores. You had expected to see a fool ranting about some idiotic ideas but instead an idea that seemed useful stood in-front if you. He didn't seem crazed, just tired. Not a fool but rather a genius in your opinion. The king didn't agree, neither did the maids who made fun of the young man.
I didn't make sense. What he proposed could save lives that would've been wasted in war. No more tears or sorrow.  You clenched onto the skirt of your dress and the room fell silent.

"No." The king's deep voice rang out. His reply shattered the poor man's hopes and surprisingly shook you too.

"I-I.." the scientist's face dropped, no longer holding any pride. He frowned and looked to the ground before shaking his head. This answer wasn't new. Everyone knew that the king would reply the same way. The fact that was the reality for him broke your heart.


"He is never pleased with the inventions brought before him." One of the maids said in attempts to get you to join later today.

The air chilled and everything felt cold.
Only the few rays of sunlight that slipped through provided warmth. Highlighting his sharp features as the golden rays danced upon his angular face. Dancing down his pointy nose and slender cheeks, you watched closely as his face changed from disappointed shock to anger.

"I don't know why I keep coming here if that's your answer every time!" He snapped. The chatter beside you grew and laughter began to form. "All I ever do is try to please yeah! You just sit there in yea fuckin throne doin nothin! My genius is ignored as you toss em aside as slaves! I'm sick of it!"

You felt sick. The overwhelming sympathy stirred everything inside you. He turned quickly to face the group and though he didn't seem red, the pure rage radiated from him. For a moment your eyes connected and you felt like melting into the crowd as a strange heat formed on your face. Your mind filled quickly with thoughts.

Had he actually been staring at you? Or was it just because he was facing your direction you felt a connection.

Regardless, his brows knitted before he turned away again to face the king. Standing at his full height he towered over the creation beside him and continued his rant. You starred in awe, unaware of your mouth agape at how tall the man was. The lab coat he wore seemingly more fitting showed off his broad back and shoulders.

A blush grew on your face as he continued yelling. He cursed the king and entire kingdom. The crowd around you scoffed at him and viewed him with nothing but disgust.

"What an awful tongue!" One yelled.
"Such disgraceful language!" 

The voices conjured a pressure to rise within you. Each shout becoming louder and louder, as the beat in your chest pounded harder against itself. He raised his voice and quickly everything seemed to drown out into a whisper as he turned away. It was as if all you could hear was his uneven steps and the blood in your ears. As he headed for the exit right beside the group you stood in, you rushed to take in every detail. He was captivating and interesting. A different character unlike the rest. His wild hair complemented his emotion and your eyes traveled down his long torso until you gazed at the metal replacing his leg. Without a simple thought you could feel your arm cutting through the air, reaching out to him. Wanting to help him. But before you could grab his gloved hand and basically feel his anger, he was gone. The invention walked by and you brought your arm back as it hissed and cracked. You stood there feeling the emotions ease away and return to a normal state. Deep down you longed to see him again and found yourself missing his presence.

Junkenstein X Reader: Right Hand ManWhere stories live. Discover now