Part Three:

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     The castle walls welcomed your strange state, fuelling it. You were angry, numb, and then angry again. Yet you found yourself glad for the turn of events. It sent your mind racing and you couldn't keep up. You felt betrayed, but through the betrayal was some odd sense of liberty in truth. A sense of liberty the doctor yearned for in the past.

There was more to what he and you knew.

Your footsteps echoed out, barely above a whisper into the stone walls. A soothing melcohly as you continued to think of the past when sudden crash disrupted your thoughts.

"Rats!" A Maid screeched from the kitchen. Pots and pans fell against the stone floor with a clash and you could feel the panic from the end of the hall.

"Rats! There's rats!" Her horrible screams echoed out again. The closer you got the more of the chaos you could feel until you could see the mess of it all. Cooks scattered throughout the kitchen, racing to catch the tiny creatures who helplessly squeaked. You smiled at the hysteria, as it was quite humorous how the maid whom continued to yell frantically froze in place. She held on to herself, moving her feet up and down when the rats got close. Your eyes followed each rodent before they disappeared in between the cracks in the wall. A giant broom slammed violently into the ground as they chased the final one. He dodged the hits and sprint around the corners until he slipped and the broom brought the end to the little fiend. The rat let out one final screech as the broom crashed down again, and again. His small bodies staining the floor.

"If you've helped clean around here this would've never happened!" The maid breathed out, laying against the wall in prayer. "Now fetch that poison and kill those monsters before I kill you myself!"

She hit one of the chefs with a towel in hand, scolding the poor man as if he was her child. Simply nodding the kitchen began to clean up the mess as she left, passing you without bating an eye.

     Finally reaching the last stretch of the hall your foot slips on an unlaced step. Slanted slightly, the odd stairs didn't necessarily separate your level and the doctors. Candles fought to light the rest of the way but the dimmed corridors quickly became barely visible until you reached the giant wooden doors you remembered as a child. Taller than yourself they stood, still holding its alluring presence.

You held back as the air thin out, sending a chill up your spine. You've never spoken to the man behind these thick doors. You've never seen him until yesterday and he was furious the first time you've met.

He hated the maids and you were one.

How would he react?

How should you approach him?

The cold ring that worked as a nob squeaked. Rust clenched against you small hand. You hesitated....


Then another squeak as you pulled the ring higher before pulling it down with a dull thud.


Again, you brought the knocker up and down with a dull thud.

Even more silence.

One more knock. Repeating it once more, you swung up and brought it back down and the door is ripped out of your hands, sending you back.

"What is it?!"

For a moment you felt like a child again as he towered over you, his hair spiraled out like the last time you saw him.

"Well, what is it?!" He urged.

"I..." you couldn't speak. Your heart started pounding against your chest and a heat rose straight to your face in a blush. "I was sent for some medicine. One of the maids fell sick and ordered me to find whatever it was you have."

He eyed you curiously. No where in his mind could he match a name to your face. You were unfamiliar to him and he slightly let the tension in his shoulders go. They melted down and you stared up.

"Should let her die really." He said bitterly.

"All of you will die anyways."

He sighed, turning back and left you dumbfounded at the door. Inside what his room all you could see was a study filled with books. Dr.junkenstien returned with a bottle much like the ones in the cellar, twirling it around to change its colour.

"Taste awful, but will do the trick. Keep you alive and working as long as it's taken regularly." He pasted the bottle and before he turned you spoke up.

"Your voice. You sound different from the rest of us."

"Good." He chuckled.

"You're not from here, or your parents weren't at least." You couldn't stop talking. "It's nice, I very much enjoy the sound of it." You gave what could only be described as a slight smile.

His started back with confusion. But instead of keeping the conversation he tsked and waved you away. As quickly as he opened the door he closed it with a slam.

You looked down at green bottle. The label had rushed cursive on top and wasn't as eligible to your liking. You had no clue how much to give and figured, much like other medicines, a spoonful should be enough.

You looked back at the door and thought to ask. Simply knock and ask. But the thought of him thinking you a fool held you back.

So you turned away from the door with one final glance to its alluring presence.

Junkenstein X Reader: Right Hand ManWhere stories live. Discover now