Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

"Bye Gilly." Matthew sighed leaning over and kissing his temple. The pair had just finished a day shift and he was just dropping the albino off at his apartment. They had another day shift again tomorrow. "Do you want me to pick you up tomorrow? It's getting cold."

"Ja, of jou vouldn't mind." Gilbert hummed kissing him properly.

"I never mind when it's you." The Canadian smiled. The albino smiled back. He sighed and opened the truck door. "Au revoir, Gilly. See you tomorrow."

"Bye, Birdie. I love jou!" Gilbert smiled.

"Love you too." Matthew said as the Prussian closed the door. He watched to make sure he got inside before he started towards home. He was ready to eat and go to bed.

The blond hummed to himself as he drove. There was almost no traffic and he got home quickly. He blinked in surprise seeing another car in his driveway. He noticed the American license plate and knew who was there. He smiled spotting his brother sitting on his doorstep.

"Mattie!" Alfred yelled immediately hug tackling him as soon as he got out of his truck. Matthew laughed and hugged him back. It wasn't often he saw his brother. "Where were you? I've been waiting for like nine hours!"

"I was at work Al." The blond said. The American looked confused. "My shifts are twelve hours. Sometimes twenty four."

"That's crazy." Alfred shook his head. The Canadian rolled his eyes as they walked up to the door. He opened it and they stepped inside. The American was immediately attacked by a cloud. "Hello Kuma!"

Matthew laughed as Alfred laid on the floor. Kumajirou climbed on to him and licked his face. He rolled his eyes and took his boots and jacket off. He walked into the kitchen leaving his brother and dog in the hallway. Kumajirou came running as soon as he heard his food. Alfred wasn't too far behind.

"Are you hungry?" The Canadian asked setting his phone and keys on the counter.

"Is that even a question, bro?" Alfred asked raising an eyebrow. Matthew laughed and pulled out the ingredients to make pancakes. "How have you been dude?"

"Good." The Canadian hummed. Alfred smiled. He could tell something was different about his brother. He seemed a lot happier than the last time he saw him. "What are you doing way up here?"

"Oh! There's a big game convention here over the next few days. Technically here for work." Alfred shrugged. He noticed his brothers phone kept buzzing. He was curious, but Kumajirou came over and nudged him. He smiled and pet the dog. He couldn't say no to him. "You're so floofy! I should get a pup."

"Maybe you'll actually get some exercise then." Matthew commented as he brought the finished pancakes over.

"Hey!" Alfred laughed. "You don't need to be sassy Mattie."

"It's not sassy if it's true." The Canadian smirked giving his brother a fork and knife.

Matthew poured his own syrup before handing the bottle to Alfred. He grabbed the milk and his medication before sitting back down. The blond noticed his phone had notifications and checked them as he took his pills. He smiled seeing it was Gilbert sending him a selfie of him and Gilbird. He didn't notice Alfred had been watching him.

The pair sat and ate quietly. The Canadian was starving from work and scarfed down his food quickly. He was still hungry and grabbed some strawberries from the fridge. Matthew realized he should tell his brother about his boyfriend while he was here. Alfred hadn't brought it up yet so Francis probably hadn't told them. Their family communication wasn't good.

The blond was a bit nervous to tell Alfred. His brother was very protective of him. He never liked anyone he dated because he thought they weren't good enough for him. Alfred always worried that he'd start to depend on someone and if they left it would hurt him. He didn't want his brother to go back to the way he used to be.

The American could remember how Matthew had been when they were younger. He always hid from everyone, it wasn't because he was shy. Alfred knew his brother wasn't shy. He asked the Canadian about it and why he was always so fidgety. Matthew was confused. He explained what he was feeling and didn't realize that not everyone had it too. He tried to get him to go to a doctor, but the blond convinced him to leave it for now.

Alfred kept a close eye on him over the next few months. He hoped that now they talked he would get better, but he didn't. The American talked with their Dads, but they brushed it off as nothing. Matthew did the same saying he was fine. Alfred knew better. He had literally dragged his brother to see a doctor. He told her everything the Canadian did. The doctor asked if it was true and Matthew nodded. The American was happy his bro was finally admitting he needed help. Things had slowly gotten better after their doctor's visit.

"Al." The Canadian started getting his brothers attention. Alfred raised an eyebrow. The pair had moved and were sitting on the couch. "I met someone. We've been dating for almost a year."

"What?!" The American demanded. "How old are they? What's their name? What do they look like? Do they treat you well? What's their job? Where do they live? Why haven't you told me?"

"Slow down Alfie." Matthew sighed. Kumajirou came over and rested his head on his lap. "His names Gilbert. He's our age. He lives a few blocks over and he treats me very well. I really love him". He sighed with a smile. "I didn't tell you because I know how you react."

"I just want the best for you." Alfred said and the Canadian smiled. He could tell his brother was happy. It had been a long time since he saw him like this. "Gilbert huh? A whole year? How did you meet?"

"Almost a year." Matthew smiled gently. "We met at work. My old partner moved and he replaced her. We were friends and started dating a few months later."

"Do you have a pic?" Alfred asked. "I want to know who I'm looking for if he hurts you." The Canadian rolled his eyes and showed him the photo Gilbert sent him earlier. "I know it's not about looks with you, but he looks weird and scary."

"Alfred! Don't be mean." Matthew said. "He's beautiful."

"We clearly have different tastes." The American smiled and the blond rolled his eyes. "I don't like him and I haven't even met him, but he does seem to make you happy. I'll trust him... for now. If he does anything, you better tell me. I'll kick his ass for you!"

"Yeah, alright." Matthew rolled his eyes.

"Have you told Dad or Papa?" Alfred asked.

"Papa knows. He visited when Gil was over." The Canadian said. "Dad doesn't know unless Papa told him. I haven't called him in a while."

"You don't call any of us often." The American pointed out.

"I know. I don't want to bug you guys. I know your busy." Matthew admitted. Alfred jumped up and pulled him into a hug.

"I'm never to busy for you little bro!" The American said. "You never bug any of us."

"I'm older than you, Alfie." The Canadian pointed out with a smirk. Alfred just sighed.

"By like three hours!" The American grumbled crossing his arms. Matthew just laughed lightly.

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