chapter 8 Dont want be lone

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( Carrie) I'm sorry hold up angel I don't mean to intrude but I was wondering if you could have a drink or two with me if that's okay I don't really want to be alone at this moment  if it's not too much to ask for . ( Angel) okay then that's fine do you know anywhere around here where we can have a drink I'm not quite familiar in this area ( Carrie) of course I do don't worry just follow me we can go in my car. Has Carrie takes Angel by the hen and they walked to her car finally they end up at a bar not too far away they sit at a table as a waitress takes their order. ( Carrie) thank you for doing this I really do appreciate it I did not want to be alone I'm still very devastated by my best friend's death  she was more than a best friend to me . ( Angel) we can see that I know how that feels in a way we weren't really good friends but we are still friends after what happened between us I still always kind of really cared about her .

( Carrie) yes I kind of saw that in you today I see that you were the one that cared about her the most all these other people were there and they must have cared about her but Jason is a whole different story what is his story anyways why is he the way he is. ( Angel) you're telling me I have no idea what is wrong with that guy I don't even know why Pamela what date anybody like that but I guess she went through a phase she deserved better though . ( Carrie) she definitely did and I can see why she dated you you're very nice I'm sorry to oppose I shouldn't have done that ( Angel) it's okay don't worry I see that you're going through something and I'm here for you. As Angel puts his hand back on top of Carrie's their drinks finally come as a waitress brings them to them and sets them on the table and they start to talk some more as they drink their drinks. After a couple drinks or so they decide who believe ( Carrie) I was wondering I'm saying so we're not too far from here maybe you would like to come back to my room and we can do some more talking if you like as she looks at Angel .

( Angel) I don't know if I should you're one of them has friends and I don't know if it would be the right thing to do ( Carrie) oh come on really are you going to leave me alone at this time all I'm asking is that you come with me. ( Angel) I guess a few more hours of talking won't do me too bad all right then let's go as they both walk away with each other they finally end up getting to Carrie's apartment or should I say hotel. ( Carrie) take a seat with you I'll be right with you I just have to use the little girl's room as Angel sits on the bed and looks around the room wondering why he is here. ( Carrie) all right then you got him where you want him now you have to just stay in Disguise and make sure he doesn't know your Pamela that's all you got to do you'll be fine you can do this . ( Carrie ) I'm sorry I hope I didn't have you waiting long I just had to do a few things thank you again for coming over with me I really don't want to be alone today as she sits on the bed next to him .

( Angel) it's no problem what is it exactly that Pamela told you about me I hope they were all good things I assumed that they were I think she truly did love me and I don't know what happened with all of that she got suspicious of some things . ( Carrie) oh I know she truly did care for you and love you she would talk about you all the time with me she told me that you were the best boyfriend that she ever had and she felt that she broke up with you . ( Angel) till this day I still don't get why she did break up with me she kind of told me but it seemed like a ridiculous reason but I don't blame her and since then it's all been good with her . ( Carrie )  when she talked about you made me kind of jealous because she had something so great and I never had nothing like that if you know what I mean as she touches Angel arm. ( Angel) are you making the meals on me is that why you bring me here don't you think it's kind of weird that you're doing that I was your best friend's ex and now you're trying to get with me.

( Angel) I mean don't get me wrong you're a very attractive woman and I would love to get with you but don't you think it's weird at the circumstances right now ( Carrie) I don't think it's weird at all maybe that is why I bring you here . ( Angel) I'm sorry other times I would have said hell yes to this but I don't think this is the right situation to be doing this I'm going to have to leave I'm sorry. ( Carrie) now why would she do something like that this is what Pamela would want for both of us she would want me to be happy with you ( Angel) I'm sorry I doubt that's what you would want for you or for me . As Angel gets up and heads towards the door as he opens the door he looks back at Carrie ( Angel) I'm sorry Pam may not be with us anymore but I respect her too much to do this I have to leave .  and just like that he was gone Carrie is left mad that her plan did not work but she wasn't going to give up this easily she was going to get Angel to be with her no matter what it took.

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