The baby.

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Twenty four years ago.     
       He was doing his work as usual. Seth, the beautiful god of destruction; his human form, which is absolutely similar to his form in heaven, maybe not that beautiful as his original form but nonetheless a man... who would forever remain in his twenties, well  twenty seven to be precise, with the world's most deep and beautiful blue eyes which would change it's colour to red when he did his work. (That is killing of course) He owned jet black thick hair and was taller than six feet.
       Anyways he was a perfectionist and did everything to the dot. But out of all his work, he had a peculiar job to do. That is to torment this one family line by taking everything away from them. He never kills anyone who do not deserve it, which means even at the wars the ones that get killed have at least one great sin that they should pay for.
        But this blood line was an exception. One of their ancestors committed a great sin and now Seth was ordered to torment them by his father, who was non other than Amun-ra. So he just did it upto now. But today... well it was an exception. He killed a man and a woman, parents of two children... he went to kill the older child, a boy of about 10 years, he was just about to kill him when he got distracted by an annoying noise. He looked behind to notice a baby girl crying aloud and when he looked at her she smiled and reached out. He got fascinated by the creature and went to the female human offspring that was lying there. He had a lot of fat around her arms and legs, he noticed.
"Oh chubby! That's was humans call cretures with excess fat"
       He said with his low, sonorous,hypnotic voice. The child looked intently at her eyes and smiled. She seemed to like his red eyes. She started laughing, thoroughly putting him off guard. That was when he thought of leaving her alone. She was just too tiny to be killed. He just left the boy and the girl without killing them, thinking he might come on another day to kill them, probably when they're a bit more grown up.
"The boy survived thanks to his sister."
        He told to himself.
"She gave me my daily dose of fascination. "
        He said to himself with a deep chuckle while going out after erasing the memories of himself from the boy.

Hey guys! It's my first time actually writing something, so I would really appreciate if y'all can comment your thoughts! Thank you for reading this!!

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