New People

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                            Part Three, College

I look around the room. Miss Bustier opened a dorm house. Me and Alya are roommates. "How's it look?" Alya smiles. I've been working on putting up pictures on my half of the room. They are ones that were taken my last two years of high school. Alya suggested it.

"It looks great. So, Felix and Bridgett are still in America, right?" I nod. "Yeah, they have been writing us though. Serenity sent me a letter telling about some of the heroes over there." Alya smiles. "Really? Are they as cool as our heroes?" I shrug. "I don't know."

She laughs. "Probably not. I can't believe today is the first day of school." I nod. Today is also different from the usual. We are just going to hang out. It is sort of a, get to know your classmates day. Most of the students will be the same ones from every other year, but I heard we have a few new students as well. "We had better go, I don't want to be late."

  We grab our bags and hurry out. When we reach the school, Nino walks out to greet us. "Alya!" He hugs her. "Still no sign of the heroes?" She shakes her head. I smile at them. Chat and I have been laying low, now that Hawkmoth is gone. We come out occasionally for smaller things, but not often. Nino has his arm around Alya's shoulder. I walk behind them, into the classroom.

  "Welcome back." Miss Bustier waves at us. I notice two new people right away. A girl, and a guy. Alya walks straight over to talk to some of our old classmates. I go over to the girl. "Hey, I'm Marinette." She smiles and shakes my hand. "The Marinette? As in, famous dancer with partner Adrien?" I smile.

  "The one and only. What is your name?" She grins. "I'm Mizu Kye. I'm visiting my grandfather. My cousin will be coming later." I nod. "Well Mizu, it's nice to meet you." She's got a very energetic personality. In her hair, is a gray hairpin with a blue spot on it. I feel like there is something different about her, like a different energy. Maybe she has a miraculous?

  "Who is your grandfather?" She smiles. "Oh, he's a healer." I smile too. "Master Fu?" She nods. "You know him?" I shrug. "He's healed me before. I guess you could say we are friends." She nods. Nathan walks over to talk to her, so I walk over to the guy. "Hey."

  He smiles at me. I smile back. "I'm Marinette, what's your name?" His smile grows. "I'm Jean Duparc." We start talking.

  "Marinette! Come here!" I turn. Adrien just walked in. "I better go." Jean frowns. "Is he your boyfriend?" I smile. "No, he's a friend. But I work part time for his dad, so sometimes he lets me know what's going to happen." I wave and walk over to Adrien. Alya and Nino join us too.

  "Hey, I was told that my dad is letting out a new fashion line." I nod. "Sooo?" He smiles. "He wants the four of us to show off the clothes in the big show off. The judges choose the best ones. He thinks, with the clothes plus the people wearing the clothes, we'll have a chance. Also, the viewers applause and votes will help. We are popular, so we'd help my dad to win."

  I smile. "He's smart." Nino looks at Alya. She nods. "Alright, we're in." They look at me. I sigh. "Fine. But no bribing other people." They nod. "Let's win!" Adrien has a big grin. Alya's eyes brighten. "Hey! Maybe we can invite Ladybug and Chat Noir!" I freeze. "No. That's really not a good idea. What if they are busy. They might be in another country, fighting."

  She nods. I give a small sigh of relief. Adrien looks relieved too. "Alright, but we should invite the whole class."

  "Everyone, please be seated. I want to recognize some of our top students from last year, as well as the new students who qualified for the college program." Everyone sits down in their seats. She talks and after the introductions, we return to visiting.

Ladybug and Chat Noir (A Miraculous Ladybug Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now