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“Because I was born to be the other woman. I belonged to no one- who belonged to everyone, who had nothing- who wanted everything with a fire for every experience and an obsession for freedom that terrified me to the point that I couldn’t even talk about it, and pushed me to a nomadic point of madness that both dazzled and dizzied me.” – Lana Del Ray


My legs trembled under the weight of my own guilt and the inching blackness that had crept into my peripheral vision allowed me a second of preparation before my body gave out. My cranium cracked onto the ground. Hard.

 Blood, sludge and fur sprayed onto the decapitated bodies of the she-wolves from the impact of my fall.

 I heard my wrist snap, but the pain barely registered in my mind, and if it hadn’t been scientifically proven by L.I.V.E Corp. that the Soul didn’t exist I would have said that my soul had left my body.

 It was as though I was looking at the civil war of this Pack from afar; watching as Alpha mutilated Beta, Mate physically ripped out the heart of their other halves, as best friends circled each other ready to fight ‘til the death. Watching passively as if all of this wasn’t my fault.

I closed my eyes for a split second and a montage of memories flickered behind my lids. That split second informed me of my entire history, from my conception in a laboratory to become a weapon of mass destruction right up to this moment; seeing the effects of what I was created to do.

The song of a hundred deaths rang out into the heavens and my eyes flickered at supersonic speed –whatever shred of human behavior that had been programmed into my DNA evaporated, like the illusion it was- from one brutal murder to the next, the pack members were dwindling and of those who were still living…they didn’t have long left. The few remaining males had united to slay their Alpha and now they had turned on each other.

My gaze flickered from them to a woman who limped towards me, her flesh covered in the blood of her pack members, her stomach swollen with child and her eyes mad with vengeance. Her legs were threatening to give out but by sheer force she stalked closer.

She was merely a foot away from me, which was closer than the other she wolves that had attempted to kill me had gotten. I recognized her as the fallen Alpha’s Luna: Ophelia.

I just noticed the thick, pointed branch that she was dragging behind her.

My eyes darted to the four remaining members of the Dry Valleys Pack. Their bodies convulsing as their life force dribbled out of their bodies. I could have sworn I heard them take their last breaths.

“Look at me, Bitch!” her voice was thick with an mélange of emotions. My eyes were glued to the last werewolf, the rise and fall of his young chest barely perceptible to the human eye. But I am no human.

I heard the rush of air right before the branch connected to the side of my face, catapulting me into a sea of dead bodies.

“I said look at me!!!”

I involuntarily remembered what seemed like a distant memory; my makers had been choosing the most physically attractive features for me. I didn’t need a mirror to know that their careful planning was wasted.

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