Chapter 1

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"Only two more steps." I groaned as I lifted myself up the last step and towards the front door.

I opened the door and shuffled inside my house. My keys clinking in the bowl as I set them down, while also kicking off my shoes.

"You look like shit." Sebastian chuckled.

I lazily looked his way. His grin fell and he groaned. Uncrossing his arms, he pushed off the wall he had been leaning against.

"Not even a slight twitch of surprise?" He frowned as he took in my trembling hand. "That doesn't count."

"Gee, thanks for pointing it out." I walked into the kitchen, turned on the light, and cursed at my empty fridge.

It looks like I'm eating ramen again. Hopefully.

"Hey, seriously. Are you okay?" Bash walked around the island and looked worriedly down at me.

I grumbled a response, more focused on the ramen bag that was refusing to open.

"When was the last time you kept your food down?" Bash asked as he took in my ever-slimming figure.

I mumbled.

"What?" Bash pressed.

"Three days ago." I sighed. Throwing the ramen bag down and turning to look at Bash. I could see the concern grow in his eyes as he stared down at me.

Seriously, how is he so tall?

"You need to get help."


"You're fine?!" Bash cut me off and stepped closer. "You look like death. You can't keep food down. And you scream so loud at night that the neighbors are even concerned." Bash started pacing, back and forth between the counter and the small island.

Bastard. Like I don't already know that I'm crawling closer and closer to my specially-made-six-foot-under wooden bed every day.

"Bash, please leave me alone. Today was horrible and I don't need this right now." I said as I looked into my reflection in the dark countertops.

I looked up to see his jaw grind, but he didn't fight me. Instead he did as I asked and just vanished.

Oh right. Sebastian is a ghost. I see dead people. Well sometimes. Bash being the only person so far.

Silence rang through the whole house.

I gave up on any hope of eating, instead deciding to just retire early. I made my way through the house, towards the back where my bedroom and bathroom sat.

I walked through my bedroom, straight to the bathroom.

The en suite light flickered; deciding to stay on, it lit up the medium-sized bathroom.

I went about my nightly routine. Washing my face, brushing my teeth and hair, then choking down the many pills I take for my PTSD.

I stared at my reflection as I brushed my hair. My long and wavy red hair seemed unhealthy. Probably from my lack of diet. My cheeks seemed deeper than usual. My bright emerald green eyes seemed dull and tired. Purple bags highlighted under my eyes. My skin was more pale than usual.

Bash was right. I do look like shit.

I finished up and quickly got into bed.

Many nights, sleep was hard to find. Sometimes I would lay awake for hours, staring at the dancing shadows on my ceiling. Tonight was one of those nights.

Millions of thoughts and worries buzzed through my head.
My health.
My job.
My past.
My only friend, who I seem to keep managing to chase away.

Four years ago when I was fresh out of High School and just managed to escape the clutches of my father, I found myself stumbling through the woods in some random state. Completely lost and alone. That's when I found Bash. Well technically he found me.

I instantly knew what he was.

Maybe it was how he was dressed.

Maybe it was how he made me laugh when all I wanted to do was end all my pain.

Maybe it was that damn dimple on his right cheek that made me smile whenever he smiled.

I just know that Bash is the best thing to ever happen to me.

When he found me, I took notice of his appearance. Bash has blonde hair, cut short on the sides, and somewhat longer on the top. His stunning teal and navy eyes never cease to amaze me. Especially when they are filled with laughter. His tan and perfect skin could make anyone jealous. And just like on the day I met him, Bash wears these dark leather loafers that scream of wealth. His pants, a simple black formal pants, paired with a white dress shirt and a tie. Despite his always sharp looking appearance though, something about it hints of his age. Or at least how long he's been dead.

Bash told me he died a couple hundred years ago, but never the exact number. He did confirm my suspicions of his family wealth one time. He never did tell me how he died though, he never seemed to want to talk about it so I never pushed it.

Bash is a very happy person by nature. He always wears a grin and he always has some smart comment waiting at the ready. He never fails to make me smile after a long day.

And despite his amazing friendship, I still push him away. I know he is just concerned, but I just can't handle seeing how much I let him down on the daily.

Bash is a beautiful and perfect person. Whereas I'm a damaged and scarred mortal.

I've never had anyone else important in my life. My mom died when I was born because of complications. And my father well, that's a whole different tale.

My stomach suddenly echoed of hunger, but I knew there was no point. Once I fall asleep into my usual dreams, I'll just throw it back up.

Out of nowhere, I heard Sebastian. He walked across my room, towards my bed. He ghosted onto my bed and just like most nights, he laid behind me. Although I couldn't feel him behind me, it was comforting nonetheless.  My jungle of thoughts cleared and I dozed off to sleep.

A sleep full of monsters and old demons.


Thank you for reading Chapter 1 of Scarlett's Story!! This is the first story I've done on here, so I would love to hear any and all feedback. I hope you liked chapter 1 and, of course, there will be more. I hope you have a great day!!

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