Chapter 20

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I could barely hold back a shiver as Bash said my nickname. Scar.

Ever since he left, I had hoped I would hear him call me that. I had hoped. Though a part of me was always convinced that I would never see him again.

Bash must've sensed my bad thoughts, cause he turned fully towards me and gathered me in his arms. His warmth melted into me. His body wrapped around mine.

It was all too much.

A sob suddenly escaped me and I completely collapsed around Sebastian.

For years I had dreamt of the day that I would finally be able to touch and feel Bash. And that day was finally here.

"Scar, are you okay?" Bash asked worriedly, he tried to push me back so he could look me in the eyes, but I clung tightly to him.

"You smell so good." I sobbed harder into his chest.

Bash placed his chin on my head and he chuckled. His breath tickled over my hair and made me cry a little harder.

"Dove, are you alright?"Kjell's deep voice rumbled from nearby.

"I'm amazing." I choked out.

After about two minutes of some embarrassing crying, I pulled back and stared into teal and navy eyes.

"You're real." It wasn't a question.

"Yes, Scar. I'm real and I'm here." Bash smiled down at me as he gave me another tight hug.

"How adorable." Aspen huffed, obviously annoyed.

Bash whipped his head around and growled slightly at Aspen. Who still had a stream of blood running from his nose.

"Enough." Lincoln rolled his eyes at the behavior of the two. He stepped forward and said, "The blonde makes a good point though. We should probably do something about the living situation."

"You guys are leaving?" In an instant, my new found happiness at Bash being back washed away at the dreadful thought of the other five leaving.

"Relax Red. Nobody is leaving." Erik's smooth voice helped calm some of my anxiety.

Bash kept me tucked into his side while everyone launched into a discussion about the living situation.

Some argued that we should stay at one of their mansions well others argued that we should just get another, bigger house.

Honestly I need a new house anyway. I've lived in this one ever since I ran away and started my career as a hitman. It was always easier to stay on the down-low because my house was easily lost in the city due to its smaller size.

"What do you think Scarlett?" Someone asked me, though I was unsure who as I was deep in thought.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts, "well I'm just happy to be where everyone else is." I finally sighed.

"How cute." Aspen sneered at me.

"Fuck you." I flipped him off and Bash pulled me tighter into his side.

"I think," Bash spoke up from beside me, "what she means to say is that getting a new house would be better than having to pick whos' we'd stay at."

"Who are you to speak for her?" Aspen turned and sneered at Bash instead of me.

"Aspen. Calm your tits for Odins sake." Oakley rolled his eyes and crossed his arms as he stood next to his twin. "If you'd took the time to read her mind, you'd realize that that was exactly what she was thinking."

"Alright then. I'm on it." Lincoln declared as he pulled out his phone and started to step out of the house.

While Lincoln went to check on local real estate, the rest of us gathered around the kitchen island and started eating.

I quickly realized that there would not be enough lasagna for all of us. So I decided to forgo eating and instead started cleaning up the mess I had made earlier while I cooked.

"Dove?" Kjell's voice surprised me as the room had been quiet except for some clinking of silverware on plates.

"Hmm." I hummed as I washed a dish.

"Why aren't you eating?" He asked. I noticed that once he had asked that the rest of the room had gone especially quiet, including the clinking.

"Not hungry." I lied. I pretended to focus really hard on a dirty spot that was being difficult.

"Lieee." Aspen sang in a sing-songy voice.

Suddenly I felt a presence behind me. A familiar pine smell washed over me. Erik.

"Red?" Erik's warm hands slid around my waist.

"Yes?" I tried to keep my voice from sounding weak, but failed.

"I sure hope you aren't saving the last bit for Lincoln." Erik leaned down and nipped at my neck.

I suddenly couldn't find my words as Erik trailed his nose to that sensitive spot behind my ear. Arousal hit me hard and I felt weak in the knees.

I thought I heard a stifled groan behind me, but could barely focus as Erik slowly tortured my body.

Not once in my twenty-two years of living had I ever felt this way around a man. I always secretly thought something was wrong with me. Apparently I just hadn't found the right man. Men.

My mind still hasn't fully processed the conversation that Kjell, Oakley, and I had a couple of days ago. All these guys wanted to date me.

Well except for Bash, since we've never even talked about our feelings for each other. And of course Aspen, the raging dickface. Who knew how he fucking felt about anything.

At the moment and thought, something dawned on me. I bet Aspen is an asshole because he's hiding something. Maybe his assholeness is a cover-up for his feelings. Like a coping mechanism. Much like the few I have, or had really. It seems these guys have done a great job of bringing me out of my shell.

A light nip at my ear pulled me from my thoughts. I felt Erik grin against my skin as he whispered. "You're right about Aspen. Just give him a chance."

Before I could reply to Erik, my front door opened and Lincoln walked in.

"Good news. Found a house." He announced with a grin splitting his ruggedly handsome face.

"That quick?" I asked as I leaned back more into Erik's embrace.

"Oh sweet Dove. You have no idea the things we can accomplish in a short time." Kjell said with a husky voice as he winked at me.

Oh Odin, please help me. I silently whimpered. I'm surrounded by too much temptation.

Thank you for reading Chapter 20. I hope you like the story so far. Let me know in the comments who your favorite character is so far, besides Scarlett. Feedback makes me happy!
~Until Next Chapter

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