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CATALINA AND CASPIAN took their seats at the grand table, where Prunaprismia and Miraz were already sitting discussing something in low voices. Caspian cleared his throat, earning a startled look from their Uncle and Aunt, Catalina merely snickered at the bewilderment written across their faces as the two siblings just raised a brow.

The staff sped into the room holding plates stacked high with food, the sight itself made Catalinas stomach rumble. A plate was set in front of each family member as they sat, in silence. Catalina picked up her knife and fork and began to pick away at the food. Shed been preoccupied all morning and hadn't eaten but the hunger had finally taken over.

Prunaprismia shot her niece a distasteful look, as she ate, "Catalina! Slow down, remember you're manners." Her aunt snapped, "Or would you rather end up like Majorie down in the kitchens?"

Majorie was a brilliant baker from down in the kitchens, she was a lovely woman- her cheeks always a joyous colour of red and she had such a homely aura- it was no surprise that Catalina loved her. Being compared to Majorie would've been such a compliment, the woman had a kind heart, and a spectacular personality but when Prunaprismia made that remark she had meant it in a horrible way, highlighting the woman's 'worst' attributes, Majorie was a rather round woman, her cheeks puffy and when she was forced to walk a long way you could hear her wheezes from a mile away.

Catalina bit her lip and looked down, It was infuriating that the girl couldn't just enjoy a meal without being corrected or receiving some sort of passive remark. Meanwhile, Caspian clenched his jaw to stop himself from insulting his aunt as his sister placed down her fork- her appetite now lost.

The girl sat in silence, her food now going untouched as her family ate away. Catalina wouldn't be allowed to leave the table until everyone had finished their individual meals.

"Now Caspian and Catalina, we have something to tell you." Miraz begun, wiping the side of his mouth with his napkin, "My love, would you do the honor?"

Her aunt smiled widely, "I'm pregnant!" She exclaimed, making the two siblings share a questionable look, "You two will soon be cousins!".

"Oh-wow..." Catalina fumbled, "Congratulations..." Caspian choked on his water hearing the uninterested tone of his sister making Miraz glare at the boy.

"Catalina, be respectful and eat your food." Her aunt said pointedly, as the girl sighed and picked up her fork, taking a singular bite of the food letting herself dissolve from reality.

THE SOUND OF dead silence crept through the castle grounds, as night fell over Telmar. There were few guards on duty, the majority of them half-asleep. Catalina stood in her room, her hair tied back, and wearing one of her dresses that was easier to ride in.

A soft knock on the wooden door, echoed through her room. The girl crept towards the door and opened it, revealing a grinning Caspian. "Ready?" He asked, holding out his arm.

Catalina nodded and linked her arm in his. Together, they walked down the vast hallways, their eyes peeled for any tell-tale maids or lingering cooks. The siblings scurried into the stables, where the girl ran towards her horse in glee.

"Julian!" Catalina exclaimed, stroking the horse lightly as Caspian saddled the horse up for her. The girl had owned Julian for around six years, Miraz had gotten him to try enlighten the girl after her parents passing.

The horse whinnied softly, as Caspian stood back from him, "All finished!" He stated, ruffling his sisters hair.

Catalina huffed in annoyance, fixing her hair and lightly slapping her Caspian's shoulder, "Thanks Casp." She replied, pulling herself onto the horse. Her brother saddled up his horse and before they knew it, they were riding past the castle boundaries, wind whipping past them.

"Oh how I've missed this!" The girl yelled, as strands of her hair came loose, the exhilaration rushing through her, as the two horses galloped across the bridge. She always had felt an odd feeling of comfort stemming from being outside the boundaries of the castle, she felt freer than she ever did inside.

She felt like a candle in the wind, except she was the everlasting flame of life. Catalina pulled on the reins of her horse, slowly Julian to a trot, waiting for Caspian to catch up.

"As slow as ever, brother" The girl remarked as Caspian finally came to a trot alongside his sister.

"Hah, hah" the boy replied with a roll of his eyes, as they continued on, on their horses. They were coming close to the forest border, creating a sudden flare of curiosity to spark inside of Catalina.

"Caspian?" She began, pulling on the reins of the horse to slow to a stop, "Why are we so scared of the forest? It's not like those Narnian tales are real...are they?"

Caspian stopped his horse in its tracks and looked at the girl in wonder, "I truthfully don't know Lina..." he answered, "I mean, the professor does know a lot of Narnian stories, ones that weren't even in the book."

Catalina tilted her head as the two sat on their horses in silence. Surely these ridiculed stories, were merely fables told by the people of old. The girl urged her horse forward, shaking her head, ridding her thoughts. The two siblings rode through the land surrounding Telmar, Catalina dreaded returning to the stone walls of the castle.

Catalina followed Caspian through the steel gates of Telmar, her horses hooves flattering against the cobblestone. Both the siblings, jumped off their horses when they reached the stable, securing them in their separate stalls. Caspian, once again, ruffled Catalinas hair in affection, wrapping his arm around her shoulders as the made their way back to the castle. The two suddenly stopped in their tracks, Catalina looked into the eyes of her uncle, a feeling cold regret washed over her.

"Princess Catalina, Prince Caspian...follow me." Miraz snarled, making Caspians arm drop from the girls shoulders in shock, "NOW!"


Please vote and comment because half my face is currently numb from injections ~ uwu~ love that!

Love you all, so very much!

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