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CATALINA LOOKED AROUND in awe. She gazed up at the toweringly, tall Narnian trees as King Peter rowed his siblings, Catalina and the dwarf down Glasswater river. The girl's damp hair and clothes were quick to dry under the warm rays of the sun. Catalina sat beside Susan quietly, controlling all her pending questions.

"What did they tell you happened to your brother?" Susan asked out of pure curiosity, making a pang of pain ricochet through Catalina's heart as looked up at the queen.

The girl scrunched her eyebrows together in thought. "They claim I sold him to the Narnians during the break of dawn." She answered honestly, her fidgety hands clasped together on her lap.

"-and that's not true at all is it?" Lucy asked curiously, directing her attention towards the Telmar Princess quite like her siblings and the dwarf.

"Not at all..." Catalina replied, "I do, however, believe Caspian is strong and if he left Telmar on his own accords then he had a good reason for doing so."

The Pevensies nodded silently while Trumpkin didn't utter a single word. They all sat quietly, the only sounds being the birds singing and the river flowing. Catalina basked in the radiance of Narnia, it was ever so calming and serene.

The silence was soon broken by Lucy, as she  looked up at the trees in sadness. "They're so still." She whispered forlornly, making the dwarf look up.

"They're trees." Trumpkin grumbled, "What do you expect?".

"They used to dance." Lucy answered softly, making a smile grace Catalina's face. Dancing trees? Never in her life had she heard of something so absurd but heart-achingly true.

"It wasn't long after you left that the Telmarines invaded. Those that survived retreated to the woods." Trumpkin explained, refusing to meet the eyes of the Kings and Queens, "And the trees have retreated so deeply inside themselves that no one has heard from them since."

Catalina looked down in shame. Her people-her kingdom had caused this. Telmar wasn't meant to be a corruptive kingdom, it was meant to be a working town where the people were friendly and loving, but the Telmar told in Trumpkin's Narnian tales was far from the girls recollection of home.

Lucy looked baffled to say the least, "I don't understand. How could Aslan have let this happen?" She questioned.

"Aslan?" Trumpkin scoffed in reply, "I thought he abandoned us after you lot did."

Edmund seemed to roll his eyes as his fingers tapped on the hilt of his sword, "We didn't mean to leave, you know." He said defensively.

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