ᴍɪsᴜɴᴅᴇʀsᴛᴀɴᴅɪɴɢs ᴘᴛ1

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Slight mention of non-con

"No," Donghyuck whispered, his voice barely being heard by the shorter brunette beside him, who continued to creep his hand up his chest, pushing aside the shirt. "Stop," Donghyuck repeated, this time a bit louder than the first one, trying to halt whatever was going on. "I said—"

Donghyuck got interrupted by Renjun, who pulled his shoulder, pushing him down to lay on his back before climbing on top of him and leaned down to connect their lips. In a state of panic, Donghyuck froze, the air stuck in his throat as Renjun got closer and closer until their lips were barely touching, blood rushing to his ears before he quickly placed a hand on the elders chest, gaining enough strength to create distance between them and squeak out a loud,

"Get off me, please!"

Renjun stared down at shock, a little surprised by Donghyuck's rejection especially since they had been cuddling for the past hour and he thought it was perhaps time to go on to the next stage. Footsteps were heard outside their room, before Mark burst in, followed by Jaemin and Jeno, who looked at them with shock. Tears welled up in Renjun's eyes, before he scurried off Donghyuck's stomach, brushing past the trio at the door and left Donghyuck on the bed, eyes wide open and mouth parted in surprise.

Jaemin was the first to react, stomping his way to Donghyuck. He grabbed a fistful of his shirt before jerking him forwards, landing a loud and strong slap on his face. The sound of his hand meeting Donghyuck's cheek echoed in the dorm, silencing any chatter that was going on and all eyes were soon on them.

"How dare you try and touch Renjun without his permission?" Jaemin spat, glaring down at the blonde, anger clearly swirling in his eyes and the way his face was turning a darker shade of red suggested that Donghyuck should answer quickly.

"I wasn't doing anything—" Donghyuck replied, eager to clear his image, before receiving a disappointed scoff from the younger.

"As if I could believe that." Jaemin scowled, the frown on his face deepening, and the anger only doubling. "We enter to see Renjun on top of you, and he cries before running out. To think that he would have to yell at to you stop being so touchy, it's so horrible. I can't believe you did that Donghyuck."

Donghyuck felt the stinging in his cheek worsen as Jaemin let go of him and walked out, dragging along Jeno before they rushed down the corridor to chase Renjun, who had already left the dorm to return to his own.

Mark, who had been frozen at the door, moved to reach forwards and comfort Donghyuck, but was stopped by Doyoung, who shoot him a disapproving look, telling him to not step in and get involved. The way they glanced over their shoulder to catch a glimpse of Donghyuck, sprawled over the bed, was enough to tell him what they assumed happened. But seeing the way they reacted to him, he couldn't bring himself to tell them that it was actually Renjun who was trying to make moves on him, not being conscious of the fact that Donghyuck was not at all interested in him.

It he ever told them, they'd probably ruin Renjun's life, especially since Renjun was a lot more sensitive when it came to things like this, and because he was the one at fault here. If anything, Renjun should be the ones to clear Donghyuck's name. Perhaps Donghyuck should take the blame till then, so he could protect the latter.


Donghyuck felt his stomach growl, and he got up, an annoyed noise leaving his mouth whilst he wobbled down the hallways. The light in the living room and the loud voices that could be heard told Donghyuck that everyone was still awake and probably having dinner. Checking what was on the table first, Donghyuck entered the room, eyeing the food and feeling his mouth fill up with saliva. Just as Donghyuck made his way to his chair, he stopped and let his eyes wander down the emptiness where his chair would've been. The conversations flickered like a candlelight before continuing, louder than before, almost as if they were purposely trying to cut Donghyuck off from his thoughts.

He raised his eyes, which were watering by the second, and locked them with Mark, who only sent him a sympathetic look before getting pulled into a chat with Yuta. No one else (other than Johnny and Taeyong) acknowledged Donghyuck's presence, and he guessed it made sense because they were trying to punish him for (although he didn't actually do anything) touching Renjun even though he had said refused. Lowering his head, Donghyuck gulped down his hunger before rushing out of the room, unable to control his tears anymore.

The second he reached his room, Donghyuck dropped onto his bed and stuffed his face into his pillows in attempt to muffle his cries. He wondered what would've happened if they knew it was Renjun at fault. Would they have treated him the same way? Was it because Donghyuck was known to be touchy and clingy? Was that the reason they immediately accused him of doing such a thing?

What shocked Donghyuck was when he got a message from Renjun the next morning, stating a small sorry for what he did. But that wasn't all, about an hour later, he received another text, this time it was Renjun asking Donghyuck to apologise to him for trying to touch him.

Surprised by the message, Donghyuck slowly typed up a sorry and sent it then was left on read. He raised his eyebrows in confusion, but when he arrived at the dance practice room, it all made sense.

The way Jaemin barged into him whilst they made their way in, and how Renjun sent him apologetic looks, it wasn't that hard to solve. Throughout the day, Donghyuck could feel their glares on the back of his head, and their hands brushing past his arm, almost in a painfully harsh manner, yet not close enough to actually cause any harm.

Donghyuck glued his eyes to the floor, heartbeat fastening as he got ignored by Jisung when he asked for a bottle of water. The younger simply chugged down the last bottle by the stand and threw it into the bin.

He moved to Jeno, who simply shuffled down and away from Donghyuck, debating whether or not he should do it, especially since Jaemin's words were echoing in his mind. Choosing to give up (there was no point, no one trusted him anyways? Donghyuck sighed, turning around to continue practicing only to feel a cold object touch his cheek. He opened his eyes, locking them with Chenle, before taking the bottle in a hurry. He hadn't gotten to drink any water since the bottles bad gotten finished by the other members by the time he arrived.

As he chugged down the water, Chenle smiled at him softly and pat his arm in a comforting way, before walking away to pick his bag up.

"Aren't you going to apologise?" Jaemin said, reaching out and grabbed Donghyuck's hand, pulling him back to stop him from escaping the uncomfortable atmosphere. "Say it properly."

"I'm sorry, Renjun." Donghyuck muttered, jerking his hand out of Jaemin's grip before he ran out of the doors, mind spinning because of how much they practiced and because he didn't understand why Renjun had still not done anything to clear out the horrible misunderstanding.

At this point, Donghyuck was wondering if he really was at fault

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