Chapter 5

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*3rd Person POV*

They all fell to the ground.

Cornel Stryker took the one's he thought would make great little science experiments.

"Her!" Moria.

"Him!" Hank.

"Him!" Peter.

"Her!" Y/n.

"And her!" Raven.

He gathered them up and put them on the helicopter.

Meanwhile, Scott, Jean, and Kurt think of ways to save them.

"We got to help them." Scott said. "Kurt can you get us in that thing?"

"You want to get in there?" His accent shining through. "What if the soldiers see us?"

"Don't worry they won't see us, trust me." Jean said quickly.

Kurt stuck his hands out. "Hold on." He concentrated, and teleported them inside of the helicopter.

Once they were in, the trio could hear Striker's team locking up. A glowing blue-green light lit up the inside.

They began to panic.

"Kurt, get us all out of here!" Scott yelled.

"I-I can't. When they close the doors, there is some kind of electrical field." He said. "It's like Berlin all over."

"Jean get in the pilots head's, don't let them take off." Scott yelled again.

"I can't. I can't reach the pilots, I can't reach anyone." She tried to get inside their heads, but failed.

The helicopter rose from the ground, and took off to it's next destination.

Meanwhile down on the ground, news reports are being printed in the newspaper and a reporter is speaking in the radio of a car.

In Washington D.C., Magda Maximoff is watching the television in the basement. The footage shows missiles all around the world being blasted into space. All she can do is hope her babies are safe.

"Mom?" Lorna asks, coming downstairs. "Did you see what's on-"

"Yes." She answers, already knowing the question.

Lorna feels the air leave her lungs. Her older siblings had only spoken to her about their father a few times and their plans to find him. But she never expected it to happen so quickly.

The three teenagers were scared and panicked in that helicopter. With Jean's powers being blocked, they couldn't find out where they were going.

Kurt was praying to the god he worshiped. "Hold me in the light of God..." Jean could sense some of what Scott was feeling, she looked over at him.

"It should have been me." Scott said. He was looking down and had the time to think of what happened to his brother. Tears formed at the edges of his eyes, and was grateful that he had glasses to cover them up. But the other two could hear the cracking in his voice. "He was the one that was going to do something with his life. He was always the one."

"That's not what he felt." Jean spoke up. She had sensed the love and protection when she had a small encounter with him earlier. "He felt that you were the one who was going to do something special with your life. That you were going to make a difference in the world. Maybe even change it."

"How do you know what he felt?" Scott said bitterly.

"I know what everybody feels." Jean said somberly.

Scott let his head fall. He mourned his brother. Alex was a role model for him. Now it was time for Scott to be the role model for others.

"...hold me in the light of God. Protect me from danger, save me by your command. Listen to my prayer, and keep me safe."

They had arrived to Striker's facility.

A/n: guess who's back, back again. Say she's back, tell a friend.

Hi everyone! Yes i am back to posting now, they will be slower than they used to be because i have other books im working on and even though i don't normally do this, i would like to self-promote my other book. If you are a fan of Stranger Things, i recommend checking out my Steve Harrington fanfic. It is called, "God Dammit Steve"

So go check it out!


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