Chapter 8

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*Y/n's POV*

The craziest thoughts ran through my mind. This is my first real fight, mutant fight. With powers and others like me. Hell, I can't even control my powers that well. I tried to hide my nerves, but evidently Peter had sensed it. He grabbed my hand and squeased tight.

"We you scared?" Jean asked Raven, snapping me out of my thoughts. "That day in D.C. were you scared?"

"No." She responded. "But I was scared on my first mission. I was on a plane like this with my friends. About your age. We called ourselves he X-men." I smiled at that. Hank used to tell me stories of them, how they lost people and gained friends aswell. "Your brother was there." She looked at Scott. "We used to call him Havok. He was a real handful, but when it came down to it, he was very brave."

"What happened to the rest kids that went with you, the X-men?" Kurt asked.

"Hank and I are the only ones left." She said somberly. "I couldn't save the rest of them. I told you I'm not a hero."

"But you're a hero to us." Jean said, supportive of what she has done for mutants across the globe. "Seeing you that day on TV, it changed my life."

"Mine too." Kurt said.

"Mine too." Peter and I said together.

"I mean I still live in my mom's basement." Peter scoffed. "Everything else is... well it's pretty much the same. I'm a total loser."

Everyone chuckled at that. Suddenly, the pane shook harshly.

"Seventh wonder twelve o'clock." Hank said and Raven stood up to get a look at what we're dealing with.

"He has the professor in the center of the pyramid. He's going to transfer his conscience into the professor. If he does that, he'll have the power to control every mind in the world." Jean said. Shit.

"What the hell is that?" Moria said exasperated.

"It's Erik." Raven responded.

At this, I unbuckled my belt that constricted me from getting up. I saw a blur of silver hair and saw Peter already where I wanted to be. Stumbling slightly, I sped quickly over to the front of the plane.

"You guys help Nightcrawler get inside the pyramid. Get Charles. I'll take care of Erik." She layed out the plan.

"How are you going to get inside that thing?" Hank asked her.

"We can get you in there." Peter and I said in unison. "We came here for him, let us help you." She seemed hesitant but agreed nonetheless.

"The rest of you, get. Charles on this plane and get out of here." She demanded.

"We're not leaving without you." Kurt interrupted her.

"Don't worry, we'll catch up." Peter said, reffering to his speed.

"Hold on." Hank said.

We slowly descended to the debris covered ground. I took a long glance at the dust clouds billowing up into the sky. There wasn't an ounce of blue anywhere. Just dust.

I stepped out of plane and my nerves seemed to get the best of me. I felt like I was about to throw up my breakfast. I felt dizzy and leaned on the plane.

Hank was the last one off and he saw me with my eyes scrunched up and my eyebrows furrowed.

"Y/n, you okay?" He asked me.

"Yeah, just a little nervous is all." I gave a sheepish smile and my breathing only got heavier.

He noticed and walked closer to me. I knew this was going to be another talk. How many of these do I need to go through?

"Y/n, you're getting ready to see your biological father and potentially tell him that you are his daughter. No one feels 'a little nervous' before doing that sort of thing." He spoke sympathetically.

"I know, but... what if I mess it up. There's no going back from that. And he just lost his daughter and wife. I feel like it's not going to end well." I realized what I had said. "I sound like my mom. She literally said that 'nothing ends well with him.' "

"Some things don't." He sighed. "Maybe you and Peter can change that."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Maybe you can help him change. Be a better man." He said.

I smiled. "Yeah. You're probably right."

"Come on. After all this ends, you might get a new family member." He added happily.

"Maybe after this, I'll come back to the mansion." I smirked.

"You smirk exactly like your father. It's weird." He grimaced, but I kept doing it. "Oh, stop. If you keep that up you won't be staying at the mansion at all."

We laughed and went over to the others to make final preparations for our fight.

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