chapter 1 moving in

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House is sitting on the couch when the door bell rings. He sighs and gets up. He limps over to the door and opens it. Wilson is standing there with a bag in his hand.

"Hey do you mind if I stay with you for a while? You were right. I had thought things weren't going so well at home so I tried being there more often. Turns out she was cheating on me." Wilson explains quietly.

House nods and opens the door more to let Wilson in. "sorry" he says and walks back over to the couch. "You can do whatever you want, put your stuff anywhere." He tells Wilson and turns his show back on.

Wilson sets his stuff down and takes off his jacket. He sits down next to House then undoes his tie and kicks off his shoes. He turns and watches whatever house was watching. "Thank you" Wilson says and drifts off into sleep.

While he was asleep House laid him down and put a blanket on him. Then he went to his own room to sleep.

• • •

The next morning House wakes up and smells something nice. He sits up and swings his feet off the bed thinking what the smell could be coming from.

He stands up and limps to the door ignoring his cane leaning against the wall. He walks out to find Wilson making omelettes in the kitchen. He sits down at the table and rests his chin on his hand. "Are you making any for me?" House asks innocently.

Wilson turns and looks back at him. "I wasn't, but I will. what do you want in it" he sighs "everything you put in yours is fine" "here just take mine then, I'll make myself more" Wilson hands his plate over to house. House smiles at him and digs in.

When Wilson is done cooking the eggs he sits down next to house who is almost finished eating his. House finishes his last few bites and wipes his mouth. "Thank you that was delicious." He gets up and walks back down the hallway to go get ready for the day. Wilson Finishes his food and does the same.

• • •

Later that day House barges into Wilson's office. "When are you going to learn to knock" Wilson sighs exasperated. "Well your not busy are you" Wilson rubs his forehead "not really at the moment but you don't know when I am busy" "yeah, yeah, whatever do you want lunch or not." House gestures towards the door. "You mean do I want to pay for your lunch and mine so you can rant to me about this particular case your on, or... not?" "Sure let's go with that now let's go" Wilson sighs again "fine, but you have to pay for your own meal or I'm not going." House rolls his eyes "fine"

House and Wilson are walking down to the cafeteria together. Cameron, Chase, and Foreman all join them on their way. Cameron turns to house more and says "The patient had another seizure, we stabilized her, and new bruises have appeared on her left arm and waist." "Also her lungs are still filling up with fluid" Foreman adds. "do an MRI and an echo. Run some tests on her blood. Find out why the fluid is there and what it is. Go"

House's team goes to run the scans and tests.

House and Wilson get down to the cafeteria and stand in line. Cuddy walks up to House and yells at him saying stuff like "you can't just do whatever you want" and "there are consequences for your actions" also "you can't just leave me to clean up the messes you make!" All for yet another stupid thing he did that ended up saving a patient's life. After House make a few jokes about Cuddy's shirt being to low and saying that he did what he thought would have saved the patient life, she leaves and they sit down.

"So why did you so desperately want me to go to lunch with you." Wilson asks before shoving a big bite of his sandwich in his mouth. "Well I was thinking that we could talk." House replied.

"About what?" Wilson squints at him. He is extremely confused with House's recent behavior.

"You know, about patients, staff, women." House says as if it was nothing.

Wilson looks over his sandwich at House. He put it down, folded his arms and looked into those electric blue eyes. He was searching for sarcasm or anything else that would make this seem like something House would say. He found nothing but sincerity.

"So your saying you just want to talk?" Wilson raises an eyebrow at him. "Are you trying to get close to me so I'll loan you a bunch of money or because I know someone you wanna sleep with? What's your real motive"

Wilson is very suspicious of House's behavior. "Ok ok the real reason is... I want to know what's going on in your life" Wilson blinks. House set his elbows on the table and grins at him.

Wilson doesn't buy it but shrugs "she filled for a divorce." He takes another big bite "I have a dentist appointment on Sunday, and I'm hopefully going to a game with a friend on Tuesday." Wilson opens his bag of chips and dumps them onto his plate. House takes a few "who's the friend" "well I haven't asked them yet" house steals more chips. Wilson swats him away "you have you own chips stop taking mine" he says "yours are better though" house pouts "we have the same kind! How can my chips be better then yours!" House shrugs "what kind of game is it?" Wilson looks at him "it's a baseball game" house nods.

They finish up their food, House managing to stealthily grab a few more of Wilson's chips. They throw their trash away and head back to their offices.

When they get there Wilson goes to open his door then stops "hey House" he calls "yeah" House turns to him "I have two tickets to a baseball game and wanted to know if you wanted to go with me?" House smiles "yeah, I would like to go"

House slips into his office smiling happily. On the other side of the wall Wilson is doing the exact same thing. They both sit down in their respective chairs grinning like idiots. For Wilson this is somewhat usual but for House he almost never smiles.

House's team walks in on house smiling stupidly, tossing his tennis ball up and catching it with his cane. They look at him and sit down. "What's going on?" Cameron asks "I'm going on a date" House says cheekily. They all just look at him "with who" Chase asks. "Wilson is taking me to a baseball game" Foreman rolls his eyes "nice now let's get back to our dying patient." He says.

• • •

That night when House gets home Wilson is already there. He's sitting on the couch watching TV. He looks at House, "you wanna order out tonight? Or are you cooking" "we can cook tonight" House hangs his jacket up and sets his cane to the side. He walks to the kitchen. "What do you want for supper?" Wilson turns to him "what do we have" he gets up and walks towards the island. Wilson walks to the other side of the island and faces House.

"I don't know, but I'm kind of in the mood for pasta." House answers "I could go for pasta" Wilson says leaning over and resting his arms on the counter. "Ok pasta it is!" House says ducking down and pulling out a pot for the pasta. "How about we make spaghetti with meatballs and sauce." He says grinning "sure I'll grab the meatballs" Wilson says.

House grabs himself an apron and grabs one for Wilson. He ties his around himself. When Wilson walks over holding a package of meatballs he hands him his. "Thanks" Wilson says and takes the apron and places the meatballs on the counter to put it on. House looks at the package and turns on the oven. Wilson grabs a box of pasta and a box of spaghetti. He holds both the boxes up for House to see.

"Which one do you want?" He ask. House looks over from the can of sauce he had just got out. House thinks then points at the spaghetti and says "spaghetti" and turns back around. Wilson puts the pasta away and sets the box of spaghetti on the counter. Then he brushes by House and grabs a pot for it. He fills it with water and sets it on the stove top. House and Wilson are standing with their shoulders touching for a second.

Wilson backs away and leans against the island. House had already had the meatballs in for 10 minutes. The water just came to a boil so Wilson put the spaghetti. House was working on the sauce, adding spices to make it better. "Hey will you try this I feel like it's missing something?" House asks Wilson. "Sure" Wilson takes a step and immediately trips. He falls on to House grabbing his arm to stabilize himself. They were face to face, nose to nose. They looked each other in the eyes then House smeared sauce all over Wilson's face and smiles. Wilson laughs and backs away "oh it's on!" Wilson pulls out a couple of noodles and chucks them at House. It hits him across the face.

• • •

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2020 ⏰

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