Chapter Seven

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Hoseok gasped, his hands clapping over his mouth in horror. "You can't be serious!"

Taehyung rolled his eyes. "Classic Yoongi. Getting the people close to him in danger."

Namjoon glared at him. "Hey, are you not taking this seriously? Jimin is missing and we all know Seokjin has him!"

"I am taking this seriously," Tae insisted. "More seriously than Yoongi is. Where is he, huh? Let me guess, he just left, right?" He sank back in his chair and crossed his arms. "He can't even face his mistakes."

"That's not the case," Namjoon growled.

"You don't have to protect him, he's not here." Taehyung said. "Just admit he annoys you like he does the rest of us."

"I have faith in Yoongi. Just because you don't understand his methods at first doesn't mean it doesn't all pay off in the end." Namjoon said, crossing his arms.

"He's got you so brain washed." Taehyung shook his head. "He did the same to Jimin and look where that got him."

"Guys, stop fighting." Hoseok pleaded. "We have to focus on-"

"I used to be the same way," Taehyung ignored Hoseok and jumped up from his chair, glaring at Namjoon. "I used to follow his orders blindly, fully trusting him. I believed he was perfect and could never do anything wrong. And in the end all my loyalty to him got Jungkook killed!"

Namjoon saw the tears in the younger agents eyes.

It was silent for a moment.

Tae sat back down. "He's going to kill all of us. One by one."

"Yoongi or Seokjin?" Hoseok asked him.

Taehyung didn't answer.

Namjoon felt his phone vibrate in his pocket.

He pulled it out, hoping Yoongi had messaged him.

It was someone else and he sighed.

"Well, now what?" Hoseok bit his nail.

"Now we save Jimin," Namjoon responded.

Taehyung snorted. "Assuming he's still alive."

"Shut up!" Namjoon snapped. "We all miss Jungkook, you know. It's not like you were the only one affected by his death, so stop acting like your world is over just because he's gone. You still have a job to do and your attitude lately has been shit. Are you still part of this team, or not?"

Taehyung stood up, his eyes blazing. 

"You don't know a damn thing." He hissed, before turning and storming out of the room. The door slammed shut behind him, echoing in the nearly empty room.

Hoseok turned to Namjoon with wide eyes. 

Namjoon sighed deeply. 

"And then there were two."


Yoongi clutched the phone tightly in his hand.

Seokjin had hung up already, but Yoongi was still staring off in the distance, his mind spinning.

Seokjin has Jimin Seokjin has Jimin Seokjin has Jimin-

Yoongi shook his head. 

Yeah, so Seokjin has Jimin, so what? Yoongi knew how to save him.

He was in the garage, and he unlocked his car and slid inside.

He knew Seokjin wouldn't hurt Jimin, or at least not that much. He didn't get off on torturing others, he got off on killing them. But Yoongi wouldn't let it come to that.

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