Chapter Ten

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Everyone was in the meeting room when Taehyung entered the next morning.

"Late much?" Hoseok teased, despite the agents cold, tired glare.

Wordlessly, Taehyung tossed his phone to the table, and it slid to a halt in front of Yoongi.

The leader picked it up and saw the message on the screen from a familiar number.

32.49° N, 58.03° W

Seokjin's number.

"What is it?" Namjoon asked, craning his head to look at the screen.

"When did this come in?" Yoongi snapped his gaze up to Taehyung.

"Sometime last night. I woke up to it." The boy said. "There's a picture too."

Yoongi scrolled down and stopped when he saw two young boys, tied up back to back, blindfolded and gagged. One looked to be a young teen, and the other couldn't be more than eight. They were in a dimly lit warehouse.

"Why didn't he text me...?" Yoongi murmured to himself.

"Why would he give out the coordinates instead of making us do the work to track him down?" Namjoon frowned. "It's...too easy."

"It's obviously a trap." Hoseok said. "Are we really going there?"

"He has two innocent boys, and we know from what he did to Diana that he'll kill them without any hesitation or emotion." Yoongi forwarded the messages to his own phone. "Assuming they're still alive right now."

Jimin didn't look at Yoongi as he gathered up his things. "Then let's not waste time."

The team filed out, but Yoongi grabbed Taehyung's arm, holding him back so they were alone in the room.

"What?" Taehyung snapped, yanking his arm back.

Yoongi's stare drilled into the younger agent. "Do you still trust me?"

"I'm here, aren't I?" Taehyung reminded him.

"But do you trust me?" Yoongi pressed.

"How about you save those boys and get everyone home safe, and then maybe I'll start having faith in you again." Taehyung said coldly. "I thought you were supposed to be unbeatable, Min Yoongi. But you got Jungkook killed, Diana killed, Ryan killed, Jimin was kidnapped and tortured and now he's not the same. You lost me and you're damn lucky I even came back. Seokjin has beaten you time and time again, so can you blame anyone for not trusting you now?"

Yoongi let him go, watching the agent walk down the hallway with the others, leaving him alone in the room.

Not for the first time, Yoongi debated if starting this game with Seokjin had ever been worth bringing the criminal down with all the causalities and pain suffered along the way.


The coordinates led the team to an abandoned warehouse that matched the picture Seokjin had sent.

"Everyone stick together in your pairs." Yoongi said as they pulled out their guns and adjusted their bulletproof vests.

Jimin and Taehyung went to the other side of the building while Yoongi and Hoseok stayed in the center, and Namjoon, the strongest, went off on his own to the other side.

Yoongi gave the signal, and they all converged on the building.

Kicking the door open, Yoongi stormed inside the cold, empty building, his gun brandished in front of him while Hoseok flanked his side, sweeping his own gun around in search of Seokjin.

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