Into Nothing

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Walk away,

while you still have the chance,

can't you see I'm demolished,

and my mind is in a trance.

What lies here,

is just a shattered soul,

what's left of a girl,

just an empty role.

Somehow, I'm still here,

in body, and not spirit,

and I still scream alone,

with no one to hear it,

All my emotions bottled up,

and I don't want to feel anymore,

and there's a whole river of tears,

but I can't seem to find the shore.

Nothing helps but a pill,

maybe a couple,

maybe all of them,

and a high with a thrill.

They say I chose my destiny,

but it was already chosen,

when my heart could find no escape,

my mind already broken.

You can't save me,

so don't try,

like you should have,

when I still could cry.

Now I'm on a glorified high,

and I could fade away,

but I don't care,

these highs never stay.

With every high,

comes with a low,

and all my band-aids

rip off slow.

I'm drowning now,

don't stay and watch,

I don't care to be saved,

and now the pain will stop.

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