A big break up

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The next day I really had to tell to the other roommate girls: Serena and Angel that had a relationship with Eddy, Serena asked straight why I hadn't tell it the day before, I said that Angel and she were really fast asleep. They believed it so we went further with the conversation, Angel asked or Eddy was my first boyfriend, I told them the story about my worse boyfriend last year. When Serena asked or we already kissed Eddy came sitting with us and gave me a small kiss, Serena's question was answered, After breakfast all the questions were answered. Sophia asked which subjects we had today, It was Saturday so we hadn't any subjects. The only thing today was a quidditch match: Ravenclaw vs Hufflepuff. A couple of third years were betting the end score: Ravenclaw had won the last 3 years from Hufflepuff, but Hufflepuff had a bright new team. Angel and Serena weren't in the team like Sophia but they promised they would cheer really hard.

An hour later the match was beginning. After 5 minutes the score was: Ravenclaw 90 – Hufflepuff 50. It was really hard to still win but we didn't gave up. On a moment I saw that Eddy and the Ravenclaw seeker were diving on a little golden ball, that was the meaning of my necklace, my dad saw that my boyfriend would be a seeker. The seekers were only 5 meters above the ground, the Ravenclaw gave up, Eddy didn't had I heard a big smack to the ground, Eddy broke his leg but he caught the snitch!! The end score was 260 – 250 we won!!! Sophia and I were to the hospital wing with Eddy, madam Pomfrey asked what was happened, I said quidditch. She asked: ''broken leg?'' yes I answered. We needed to let Eddy in the Hospital wing sadly, when we came back in the common room of Hufflepuff there was a huge party, everyone was partying.

The next morning everyone was still cheery about yesterday, the mail came. I saw my owl with a letter. I read it and had really fast tears in my eyes: Sophia asked why I was crying. I gave the note and she read it, then Eddy read it and hugged me. In the letter was written:

Hello Alicia

I hope you have a great time at Hogwarts, I know it will come hard to you but you're dad and me are broke up since yesterday. You probably ask why? Well when I came yesterday home from my work he was in bed with another woman. When he saw me he tried to explain but I grabbed my stuff and took the first plane to America, to you uncle, nephew and cousin in Gravity Falls. You can come to me in the upcoming vacation next week. Tomorrow their comes an owl with your boarding ticket. This is all your fathers fault, I hope you have a great time and see you next week

All my love

The same day I had the first meet with professor Longbottom, the professor that would watch my growing progress, I haven't grow in that week. That was a bit weird but the progress will slow down if I was sad. 

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