Sick Day.

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Trishie's POV:
Ive been noticing my throats been hurting and i couldn't breathe properly and always had to breathe with my mouth. Neechan did notice that But we both know whats causing it. When i got home i layed in my bed my body feels like its slowly melting and i fell asleep. Still breathing with my mouth around 3:00 am i woke up because i was struggling to breathe so much that i got my Inhaler i used it. I felt a little better. Then i went back to sleep

*5:00 am*

Trishie's POV:
My mom was waking me up then i open one eye and again i felt my body slowly melting and heating up. I felt cold even tho it wasnt cold. I struggled to get up and told my mom "Mom i dont feel too well" she gasped get the thermometer and put it on my mouth.

*few minutes later*

Trishie's POV:
The Thermometer started beeping my mom looked at it and she gasped. She then told me i have a fever and my Temperature was 38.0° i was shocked she tucked me back to bed put a wet cloth on my forehead and she told me "its gonna be alright sweetie i'll tell jillian to watch over you while im gone. Ok?" I nodded weakly And she left the house to go to work. Again i was breathing with my mouth i feel like my bones were melting hard and my temperature was really hot. Then i heard the door opening.

Jillian's POV;
"KOHAI" i yelled and rushed to my kohai's room "My dear kohai what happened?!" Trishie couldn't speak since her throat is really sore and i could tell by her looks that she wasnt doing so well She Suddenly trembled and wrapped the blankets around her. I was so worried she tried to roll around but i told her not to. I placed my hand in her forehead checking her temperature her body was pretty hot. And i hold her hand as she falls asleep and i was squeezing it the whole time.

*6:50 am*

Trishie's POV:
I woke up hearing water falling I looked in my right side and saw my neechan squeezing the water out of the cloth my mom put on my forehead. She then put it back on my forehead she asked "you ok kohai?" I nodded and tried to get up but she pulled me back to bed "no kohai dont get up" She said. I looked at her holding my hand and i wanted to ask her was she holding my hand the whole time but i couldn't speak i lost my voice. Then i got thirsty i tried to tell my neechan im thirsty but i cant so i tried to get up again she tried to pull me back to bed. But i mouthed "im thirsty" she helped me up and took me to the living room she gave me a glass of water and even helped me drink it. I put the glass in the table next to the couch and she got a warm blanket and put it on me. I sighed of relief and fell asleep again

Jillian's POV:
She fell asleep again so i got up and decided to make her some soup with rice. And a bottle of milk as i was making the soup i heard my kohai grunting and coughing i walked to her layed her down in her stomach and rubbed her back so she can stop coughing she did stop. I continued making the soup and put it on the table i got a chair place it next to the couch and sit there watching over trishie. Her face was turning red because of her temperature she was breathing heavily i could tell she really couldnt breathe normally i stroked her hair again she coughed and sneeze. I then said "its ok my kohai" while squeezing her hand he calmed down and cuddled my hand. And waited for her to wake up.

*Hours later*

Jillian's POV:
Trishie finally woke up. I help her sat up and get a spoon for the soup she wanted to do it alone but i fed her she opened her mouth and feeded her the soup. She groaned abit "its ok kohai" i said comforting her she looked cold i got her black hoodie and put it on her she calmed down. I kept feeding her and she finished i layed her down and i wanted to give her a warm bath. But i could tell she was too weak for one so i decided to get another cloth and put ice on it and rubbed it against her body she groaned but i calmed her down.

*Few minutes later*

Trishie's POV:
My neechan just finished rubbing the cloth in my body she get up got my medicine and i took it. I felt abit better and she let me watch some movies in the tv. As she cuddled against me i purred. As she stroked my hair Again i sneezed i blow my nose and she kissed my cheek then my phone vibrated neechan looked at it and saw annoying messages from marco. She rolled her eyes and continued stroking my hair i felt a bit better. She then hugged my head while stroking my hair it made me feel relaxed as i dose off purring she kissed my forehead. And i purred alot she layed me back down and she pokes my forehead saying "you stay here i'll be back ^^" she got up and goes to the kitchen to make some lunch.

Jillian's POV:
I decided to make trishie some black noodles which is her favorite food i looked at my kohai who was just watching the movie. I smiled and she coughed abit and she just continued watching the movie i cooked her black noodles and walked back to her putting the noodles in the table as i pressed my forehead against my kohai's forehead her body felt abit warm And she just cuddled me by the waist ^^ i then said "awww ^^" she got up and started eating the black noodles she then said. "Its delicious" i smiled and scoffed "everyone likes my cooking especially you ^^" she then teased "really?" I nodded and she looked at me and i cuddled her she cuddled back and finished eating she put the bowl away and layed back down falling asleep. I giggled and rest my head on her shoulder falling asleep. Next to her.

*few hours later*

Trishie's POV:
I was having a real bad nightmare of losing my neechan i moved around groaning i cuddled my blanket while groaning i was having a REALLY bad nightmare as she stroked my hair and i calmed down. She cuddled me tightly and whispered to my ear. "I'll always take care of you" i felt so much better. And relaxed.


Jillian's POV:
I heard my kohai coughing nonstop it was bad i could tell my kohai wasnt doing so well i called her doctor and s
he camed a few minutes later he cheked on my kohai my kohai again was breathing with her mouth then the doctor said. "She has a horrible case of asthma" my eyes widened and said "a-asthma?!" He nodded and he said "Looks like you'll have to keep watch on her if her fever gets worse or her coughing isnt stopping." I nodded. He left and made trishie drink water she was still breathing with her mouth but i know she'll be ok.

I'll Always Be There No Matter What - Trishie and Jillian Sibling loveWhere stories live. Discover now