Great Day

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The Supreme Leader

   | Personality |

Great Day is really serious and really formal and really intimidating. If you think the operatives are intimidating? Then oh boy, you do not want to meet this one.

If he enters the room you and your friends are in, the whole atmosphere changes. Everyone respects him no matter what.

   | Job Description |

He is the leader. His word is law.

Every single operative/ worker/ civilian/ visitor follows his orders, no exception. You better follow his orders or he'll do worse than just simply kill  you (Like a ban, Lol)

   | Information |

Great is powerful. In fact he can destroy entire cities by himself. Last year, he was being possessed by an entity called the 'Sovereignty'. It made him look twice as intimidating and rotting, with a dark aura surrounding him. Only recently it has left his body.

Once the Sovereignty left his body, civilians noticed that Great became how he used to be before the possession. His skin was healing. He has become 'nice',  guiding civilians and barely killing them anymore.

But he can't be nice all the time. He sometimes plucks random civilians to put them through a small experiment test.

He has said that his half mask is there to keep the darkness inside him at bay.

   | His Past |

 His 'younger' self. 

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On how Great_Day came to be:

Existed since the Prime Days Union, designed as the first ever darkness war machine.

He was created first by the Governor and tested on multiple times.

At first did missions in secret until the war began and he had to take control of the Prime Days Union. The Governor tested on him until his mind became perfect and created the first machine that would never lose control and be completely loyal.

Picture below is him, probably before he became Supreme Leader. You can see the darkness seeping out of where his half mask is supposed to be.

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   | Extras |

•  Allied with AloneTraveler

•  He has kicked/banned people before in the City if they misbehaved/disrespected in front of him. Even if they were joking. So watch out for that. He might give you a warning though, if he recognizes you as a regular. 

•  Has a habit of teleporting.

•  Has a habit of blinding/killing people if you're at the wrong place at the wrong time. But most of the time if you're near him he will just stand there, and if you're unlucky he'll start asking you questions.

• He gets into a suit and helmet when he does an experiment.

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