Chapter 19

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The school is killing me, please make it dismissal already. I can no longer hold my patience, I'll do anything to make classes dismiss. Currently I'm in my classroom, obviously while my lame teacher there is standing in front holding a book and lecturing. My head is resting on my palm with a look that describes how bored and miserable I am now. I want to stop this already.

"Psst, Chibi." I heard the pest whispered from under my seat.

"Be quiet, I don't wanna get caught." I slightly glared at her.

"Chibi looks not fine. Does he want a hug from Nixium?" She asked.

"No, just stay in the bag and be quiet till dismissal." I said.

"Okie..." She whispered and got back inside the bag.

The lecture goes on until twenty minutes later, finally. A few minutes is like an eternity for when in this situation. I stand up and grabbed the bag under my seat then exited the room. The halls were currently being walked through by many people, so many that it makes me uncomfortable.

I noticed my bag is moving more a bit, I guess the pest is finding a better position. Going towards a place where not much people are around, I opened the bag and her head pop out.

"You doing good in there?" I asked.

"Yesh!" She smiled.

"Okay." Is all I said before she gets back inside.

Walking again, I'm starting to notice I'm finally heading towards the main entrance. But before that, in the corner of my eye, I saw that guy from last time. Gideon was it? Augh, that name disgust me. Well the name is only disgusting when it's him. I gaze at him and saw him looking back at me with a smirk. I smirked back and just continued walking until I got outside school building.

I suddenly remembered that in three weeks the play will occur. I almost forgot that Ron assigned me to create the props. Well time to head to the theater now, he's probably in there like always. I walked back inside the school building and took a few turns through the halls. Standing in front of a double door, I pushed them open and just as I predicted, Ron was there. Along with many more students who will participate the play.

Sitting down and placing down the bag, I opened it and let the pest come out. After that i stood back up and let the little blue eyed girl stare at me in confusion.

"Where are we Chibi?" She asked while looking around.

"In the theater, we're here to help for the play. I meant I'm here to help." I said clearing my throat afterwards.

"Ooohh, can I help too?" She had her smile plastered.

"Whatever, do what you can to help Ron. Just don't be bothersome like always." I said walking towards the stage.

She then followed behind and we later approached Ron, who was busy reading at some scripts.

"Hey Ron, I'm here to help ya." I said catching his attention.

"Finally you decided to show up and help after a month." He said with a smile.

"Sorry, just taking care of stuff and don't have much time to get here." I answered.

"Now that you're here, time to make the props. Follow me." He stood up from the edge of the stage and walked to the backstage.

The two of us followed him and soon we arrived. A lot of cardboard boxes were piled up to the corner and some other plastic items. Ron goes to a table filled with papers and grabbed one before giving it to me.

"Here's the list of the props that need to be made. They should be finished in one week by the way, but we have people who will assist you so don't rush it much." He said.

"Got it, I'll start cutting the boxes now." I said grabbing a box cutter that is nearby.

"Right, I'll leave you and the kid to do your work." He said before walking away from us.

"Is there something Chibi want Nixium to do?!" She asked in anticipation.

"Is there something Chibi want Nixium to do?!" She asked in anticipation

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"Well.... you can sit on the corner if you'd like and not bother me in my work." I said blankly while pointing at corner of the back stage.

"Whaat? Nu! I wanna help!" She pouted at me.

"Don't you go disobeying and giving me that look. Shoo and behave." I gestured for her to shoo.

"Hnnnnng.... I wanna help Chibi..." She walks away and goes to the corner.

Finally, some peaceful moment. This is what I want whenever I'm working, just minding my own business and no one bothering me. I then started to trace the outlines of the props on the cardboard then cut out the replica of it. In just six minutes I've created one so far, and I still have to make a lot. I would've denied Ron's request but I'm guessing I'm the only who he knows how to create decent props. A couple more minutes and i finally created two more. This task isn't as hard than I thought, but something feel strange. Or is it just me?

Is it a bit quiet? Not much noise is heard right now except for a few faint conversations from the people in the back stage. Could it be I'm only imagining things? No it couldn't be...


The pest.

I then looked at corner where I told her to stay put. And it turns out, she's gone... My eyes are fully white and my mouth is wide open from disbelief. No not again, why, why, why?!

"Why are you always doing this to me?!!"


"Well, got the girl as I planned. Now time to bring her back to base." Gideon said as he sprint across the halls while holding Nixium.

"Huh? Where are we going by the way? Is Chibi coming with us?" She asked while being carried under his arm.

"Somewhere a bit far away from him. Don't worry, you will be put to good use when we get there. Trust me." He said to her.

"Hmmm..... okie!" She smiled.

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