fires in my heart

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Hi guys...
As you all know that I am busy..
But thought to write another ss on my rikara..I update it when i was more free..
I know i am working on many stories...but ..
What to do..

Because you all love my ss .. right?? 😉😉😉😁😁😁

Anyway ...
This is 7-10 chappy story... Or may be less..
I hope you like it..
So lets start...


Ommkara singh oberoi..

Belongs to a reach family..
A casanova.. play boy ...
Who never fall for anyone..
Then he fall in love with ishana malhotra..
Who make him realise the real meaning of love..
He become serious in his life..
Now he is going to marry ishana... He is so happy now..

Ishana malhotra...

A cute kind hearted girl(positive)

Fall in love with ommkara singh oberoi..
Belongs to a middle class family..
She is madly in love with omm and now going to marry him..

Gauri sharma..

An innocent girl..
Work as a teacher...
She got divorce from her husband few years ago...
She had a cute and too naughty son atharv...
Now she is happy in her life..
(She is going to bring a strom in ommkara's life 😉😉😉😉)

Atharv sharma...

Gauri's son...
6 year old..
He is too naughty. .
Gauri always had headache for him.. 😉😉😄😄
He never fear to anyone..
But he is more mature than his age..
He always take care of his mom like he is elder from her...

When rikara and atharv meet..
Their life is going unside down..

Ommkara will realise the  biggest truth of his  life...

this journey is going to be intersting..😉😉if you all are with me..😊😊🤗🤗😍😍😍😚😚😚

Letter you know more..
The first chappy will update when I got good responce..

Now by..
Love you all.. 😍😍😍🤗🤗

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