atharv is in danger

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Hi dear lovelies....
I thought to complete this story with this chappy... But I found the ending is boring...
So it extends for 2 -3 more chappy....
I hope you like it....


Gauri and atharv was sitting on bench in railway station...waiting for their train to Chandigarh...

Gauri looked at her son who sit beside her with his head hung down..

Her heart broke to see her son like this.... she never ever saw him like this... he is always the naughty..talkative and happy one...

She started feeling guilty.... Because she take the decision of leaving.....

She promised herself at that time when she hold the little atharv in her hand for the first time..that she will do anything to make him happy...

And now...what she Did?
Give  him sadness...
Separate him from his father...
But she is helpless...
How can she destroyed ishana and ommkara life when they have no fault...

"Atharv "

Gauri call him with pain...
Atharv looks at his mom...

Gauri cup his face and kiss on his forehead...

"Please...forgive your mom... I know I am doing wrong with you..
But I am helpless.... I am sorry my baccha....i am a bad mother "

Gauri said with teary eyes...
Atharv wipe her tears with his little hand....

"No mom... please don't say like that... you are the best mom in the world"

Atharv hug Gauri...
He is so sad but he can't see his mom in this state....

Gauri wipe her tears...she broke the hug and smile to him..

"Do you want something to eat?"

Gauri ask..try to divert his mind...
Atharv know his mom is trying to cheer him up..

He smile and nodded....

"Just wait.... I will be back ok"

Gauri said and went to buy something for him...
Atharv was sitting silently...

He turn when he felt someone'sbehind him...
And he was shock....


Gauri returns with some food...
But she didn't found atharv there...

"Atharv......atharv "

She saw here there but he is not there....

She ask lot's of people but no one knows about atharv....
Now she is tensed....
Where is atharv..?

She run here and there .... searching him...
But there is no sign of atharv...

Now she is crying....

"Atharv...where are you.... don't be naughty.... atharv "

She called his name and running the whole station but atharv was not there...

It was getting dark now...she is too scared.... where is atharv?

She bumped with someone...
That person hold her before she fall... She looks up with tearful eyes....

"Ga.... Gauri "

It was ommkara.... he was shock to see Gauri in this state....
Gauri was felt little relief aftet saw ommkara....

Ommkara hold her by her arms..

"Gauri  ....what... what happened?"

Ommkara ask worriedly ...

"Aa....atharv.... atharv "

Gauri was crying... not able to say anything....

"Gauri relax.... relax"

Ishana said who was came with ommkara....
Gauri was not in a state to ask them why they came there..
She was only thinking about atharv...

While ommkara and ishana was also forget everything after saw Gauri situations...

"Gauri... just tell me where is atharv "

Ommkara ask tensed...

"I ... I don't know... I am not finding him... I "

Gauri cried....
Ommkara was shock....don't know what to do and hug her...
Try to console her..

Try to console her

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"Gauri relax.... sit here..."

Ommkara make her sit on near by bench....
She is crying continues...

Ishana buy a  water bottle and give it to Gauri...
But she is crying only...

"Ommkara... please.... please search atharv.... I want my son"

Gauri said in between her sobbs...

"Gauri... just relax... tell me what happened "

Then Gauri told everything...
Now ommkara is scared....
Where will be atharv???
It's night now...

"Ommkara... I just want my son... please "

Gauri cried...

"Gauri relax... we will find atharv"

Ishana try to console her...

Ommkara stood up and ran here there..... asking people about atharv.... showing them his pictures.... but no one knows....

Ommkara returns to Gauri and ishana....

"Come.... let's go home... I talked with the commissioner.... he will help us to find atharv "

Ommkara said... Because before go to search for atharv... he have to drop the girls...
He is hell scared from inside for his son.... But he have to be strong for Gauri....

"No.. I am not going anywhere.... I want my son"

Gauri cried...

Ommkara cup her face....

"Gauri.... trust me... I will bring atharv back safely"

Ommkara said seeing right into her eyes....
Gauri saw the confidence in his eyes...


Gauri ask with teary eyes....

"I promise... nothing will happen with our son... his PAPA is here... no one can dare to touch my son"

Ommkara said...
Gauri could not help but hug him tightly... ommkara hug her back...
Ishana looked other side...she is hurt.... but now atharv is more important then anything...

Ommkara wipe Gauri  tears...
Trio went from the station taking Gauri luggage.... they sit in car and went towards OM...

Omg... where is atharv?
Is he ok?
Can ommkara able to find him?
Why ishkara came there?
Is atharv was kidnapped?
Let's see


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