The Strom

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Double update for today..
Because next update will be late..
I need rest after reach my home..
Thanks for all the lovely cmnts..
And sorry for not able to reply..


10:00 PM

Ommkara was driving his car like a mad person....the thunder... the heavy rainfall is fail to stop him...
It was nothing in front of that Strom which is inside him right now.....

He can't believe in  what he heard..what he is this possible? But there is no option that he
This is the truth...
His mind was ache to all this...
His mind was not stable...he is feeling like his mind is going to brust out any moment...he can't handle it...

He stop his car in a lonely place...
He was not in his sense...
The thunder is still continue...

He turn left and look at a file on seat....
He pick that file and open it...
He read that reports again...
He read it more than 100 times in few hours...
But it can't change the truth...

It's a DNA test report...
And it's MATCH...

He was in shock....
Because it's his and atharv's DNA test report...

(Dinu17811 guess it first😊🤗)

Ommkara again thought what's the doctor said to him in hospital...


"Good evening doctor"

Ommkara greet...

"Good evening Mr oberoi... please have a seat"

Doctor said...
They sat on chairs in doctors cabin...

"tell me doctor Akash... what happened that you call me something serious? Atharv was fine right?"

Ommkara ask worried...

"he was fine.... was about you and him"

Doctor said..

"please tell me...I am worried now"

"see Mr oberoi...I don't have any rights to interfere in your personal life.... but may be you also unaware from you have to know before it's too late"

Akash said.
Ommkara was confused...

"first read this....then we will talk"

Doctor handle him a file....

Ommkara take it and start reading....
His eyes goes wide in shock...
It was his and atharv's DNA test report... and
.. it's match..
Which means atharv is his biological son....

"Wh.... what is all this doctor? I...I just can't how is .."

"Mr oberoi please calm down...first listen to me please"

Akash said..
Ommkara was in shock but try to listen him...

"at that day when you give blood to atharv....first we test your blood to know  that you are perfectly fine or not to donate blood... but... fortunately or unfortunately we did a mistake"

Ommkara was listening him patiently....

"In the same day there is a DNA test too.... and coincidentally that person name was also ommkara and that little boy name was atharv...So in confusion our assistant send your and atharv's blood for DNA test....I about to know all this when I got this report...I am really sorry for this mistake...."

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