Hulk- : so shy is now in our base. finally peace
THEBESTIRON-MAN: I think so. A little bit of silence will be good for us. Peter is dating a normal, mentally healthy boy and Loki is in another dimension, thanks for Stephen ♥
Hulk- : And Natasha still don't love me :(
THEBESTIRON-MAN: Bruce, no offense, but I always thought that you'd better in life when you'd be gay.
Hulk- : What? Why better?
THEBESTIRON-MAN: We could live in threesome. Me, you and Stephen.
Hulk- : No, thank you. Spend 24 hours with you borders on a miracle
Hulk- : really. Becaouse of you, even Peter're going out of base. And looking... for a daddy... he have that stupid fetish bc youuu
THEBESTIRON-MAN: We can find him a super-boyfriend/daddy.
Hulk- : Do you know, what WE NEED?
Hulk- : Marriage
Hulk- : Then we'll settle down.
THEBESTIRON-MAN: lol I don't know these words.
Avengays / marvel chat
FanfictionSpider-Man: Lmao THEBESTIRON-MAN: PETER YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE A GOOD BOY Black.Lord: I think that running naked is polite? THEBESTIRON-MAN: ON EARTH IS ILLEGAL. PETER WHO LET YOU DO IT Spider-Man: It's you, mr Stark THEBESTIRON-MAN: SAY WHE...