Careful.bug: Apparently Stefan see a future and you'll live
Careful.bug: And you'll be a bad guy but with a nice tattoos, lol
Legolas_2: O, great. But what it is?
Careful.bug: It's will be a random apocalypse and half of human population will die like fingertip
Legolas_2: ... cool
Legolas_2: following this, I think that we should go on date
Careful.bug: hm, good idea
Avengays / marvel chat
FanfictionSpider-Man: Lmao THEBESTIRON-MAN: PETER YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE A GOOD BOY Black.Lord: I think that running naked is polite? THEBESTIRON-MAN: ON EARTH IS ILLEGAL. PETER WHO LET YOU DO IT Spider-Man: It's you, mr Stark THEBESTIRON-MAN: SAY WHE...