Chapter 1 The First Morning

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Waking up to being in the cave was a little startling for me and the pain in my back was also a little surprise that I could have done without as well. Noticing all the other guys hadn't woken up to experience the same as me was to be expected I never could get much sleep. Walking out of the cave into the darkness of the early morning thinking about how I could avoided the brake up with one of my most closets friends "Jenna" "Jenna Sterling" "How could I have messed up probably my most best relationship". "Why do I have to be such a control freak I should have just shut my mouth maybe she would still be here".

"I need to get these thoughts out of my head oh I need to go for a run". " Well the guys should see the note". The woods looks so beautiful at night the moon is so bright in darkness it still lights up the woods in a way to were I am able to see everything around me. But I have a feeling that something is keeping a close eye on me. I had to look around but I can't alarm what ever is follow me. I use my peripheral vision hoping my eyes would adjust better so I could see what was there.

But then it turned dead silent and it was one of those very disturbing silences now I knew something was following me. I turned back into the same direction I was in before than I ran as fast as my feet could go running threw the tree branches and bushes scratching up my arms and legs. I could hear what ever was behind me getting closer and breathing louder so while running I look over my shoulder and I saw nothing. What was following me ? Wait a minute were the heck am I ? As I was wondering were I was and trying to see if I can navigate back to the cave there was all of a sudden burst of pressure on my chest. It felt like razor sharp claws I can't explain the pain but it was ripping into my flesh and that's all I could remember of that night when I woke up I was back at the cave. "Nobodies here were are all they", I said.

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