"Linnie!" I yell as I kick the door to her apartment open. There are papers all over, what Tenzin calls her "Murder Collage" or something, I think.

Oh, freak, Tenzin!!

I probably shouldn't be as exited as I am to share the news with my sister. I mean, she just got mad enough to pull a Kyoshi on everyone and create a freaking island. Then move it a good few hundred meters from the shore..

Scary, I thought. Don't get yourself killed.

"You okay?" Lin asks, hair wet, wearing a pair of sweatpants and a white tank top, as per usual. I see she's got a ball of metal floating behind her, enough to cuff someone or make  a sword or something. "You seemed distressed."

"I'm .. no, just exited." I closed her door and gave a weak smile. She squinted.

"Mhm. What's up?"

"Um, I know you and Tez aren't doing so well. And I only told Kya and Izumi first because they were at the party and you weren't, okay? And our parents, for obvious reasons. I mean, it's going to be obvious when I tell you, but right now you don't know.." As I rambled, my face grew hot, and she held up her hand.

"Spit it out. I don't have all day."

"Zari and I are engaged," I said, then covered my mouth with my right hand. My left was behind my back.

"Let me see." The metal dropped, she stepped forward and held out her hand. She studied the ring for a moment before asking, "Why does it say 'you'?"

"His says 'missed,' like our first kiss."

"Aww." Lin cracked a smile, then pulled me into a bear hug.

What the heck? Two hugs in twelve hours! The world is ending!!

Despite this, I hugged back and smiled into her shoulder.

"You two are so cute," she said, stepping back. "Though, I must say, it's about damn time!"

I laughed. "Azula said that, too."

"Am I invited? Is Tenzin going?"

"I was thinking you'd be my maid of honor, actually. And on our ferry ride back to the mainland, Zari and I agreed that we'd ask Tenzin not to come if you didn't want him to."

She smiled a little more. "You want me to be your maid of honor?"

"Well, duh."

"Aww, Su." She grinned. Then a thought crossed her mind, and she gave me a dissaproving look. "You're 19."


"And getting married.. when?"

"Zari thinks next summer."

"You're going to get married at 20."

"You thought you were pregnant when you were my age. Unlike you, I haven't had -"

A blush spread across her face. "Shut up."

"You know it's valid. Besides, Dad said yes." I crossed my arms over my chest and smile, glad she's not totally freaking out about Tenzin.

"Hmm. Assuming Izumi and Kya will be the bridesmaids?"

"Yes, and Bumi and Iroh are groomsmen."

"Who's the best man?"

"He said Zuko, because we could call him the man of honor, but I think he was joking."

My sister and I cracked up.

"Anyways," she said, "Where are you guys spending the night?"

"Hadn't really thought about it," I said. "Figured we'd stay at Mom's."

"I haven't had a decent conversation with you in months. Go grab you pajamas." Lin shoved me out as if her decision was made - which, I guess, it was.

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