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“I gave you only five eons! You have not been able to tell me anything.” Lord Magnar roars. “Where is Moros? Let him come before me this instance!”

“I am here, my Lord.” he comes before him and bows.

“Where is Ciana? You must know where she is.”

Moros looks at Magnar shakily. “There is no sign of her, Lord.”

“I knew you were not dependable! Where are the seers of The Gibbous?”

“My Lord….” They begin, rushing to his presence. “We were trying to look for her. But we cannot, my Lord. We consulted the ancestors, the veteran diviners, even the Gibbous itself.”

“Good. You all are useless. I shall descend my throne and look for her myself.”

“My Lord, that is not fit for a king, especially in your bad health. Lord Magnar, please give us a few neons more. I humbly request.” The diviners plead.
             “I am getting impatient! If Ciana is found dead...then Lady Dionne would rule temporarily before the diviners choose another fitting heir for Ohr. If not, we’ll have to watch our kingdom tear apart.” Lord Magnar rises and leaves the courtroom with rage. Jedrek waits for his father’s departure rites to be over before he goes to his mother with excitement.


“I know. You are excited.”

“Yes. Aren’t you, Mother? If you become queen of Ohr, you can give your throne to me.”

“Jedrek, the only way that can happen is when Ciana is found and proved dead. Do you understand how difficult that is?”

“Do you also understand how much we need The Penumbra now? How long shall you wait, Dionne? The diviners of our clan cannot locate her because The Gibbous cannot withstand darkness. Therefore you need the help of The Penumbra.” Ramona chimes in.

“Magnar can find more diviners from Nidavellir. But come what may, we won’t bargain with the Penumbra.” Lady Dionne says.

“Don’t be obdurate, Dionne. If you do not believe me, look at The Gibbous moon.” Ramona points at the symbol on the glyph. “The Gibbous moon is three quarter of the full moon. But tell me, what makes it three quarter? It is the darkness covering the other quarter of the moon. This is what our ancestors taught us and wrote on the glyph. We worship the Gibbous moon because we believe in the unity of The Gibbous which is the lighter part and the Penumbra which is the darker part. But due to changes in belief, we have forgone the counsel of the ancestors and it is collapsing the stability of Ohr. Dionne, let go of your royal ego and seek help from the greater power. If not, as Magnar said, we’ll sit and watch Ohr tear apart. Choose wisely, Dionne.”

Old Ramona leaves the courtroom humming and smiling to herself. Jedrek smiles at his mother.
“Do not look at me like that. When it is daybreak, we’ll go and see Lamia.” Lady Dionne tells him.

“Thank you, Mother.”

Ciana Pandora Where stories live. Discover now