you got in! -chapter 2

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Izuku's POV

I lie in the hospital staring at the door, kacchan was supposed to be here by now, we were going to look at kacchan's UA acceptance letter. Is kacchan hanging out with his new UA friends and forgotten me. I'm worrying too much kacchan would never leave me, or would he!?

" hay nerd your mumbling again," Bakugo said, walking in the room and sitting on a chair.

" Oh, Kacchan, I thought you wouldn't come," I say.

"why wouldn't I come Deku? I haven't missed one visit since you've been in this dump, "Bakugo says angrily " anyway, look nerd," Kacchan says, throwing a letter at me. I open it and smile, reading over the letter.

" kacchan, you made it. I'm so happy for you!" I say my vision blurred as hot tears poured down my face.

" Why are you crying?" Kacchan asks.

" I-I don't know I guess I'm just worried that you won't be my friend anymore when you find cooler friends," I say, wiping the tears off my face. Kacchan stands up, and I feel two arms around me.

" don't worry nerd, if I left, you wouldn't know what to do with yourself, and I'm going to be the number 1 hero bigger than AllMight and then ill be the one you watch on TV," he says, I smile and nod. The doctor comes in soon after.

" hello izuku, how are you feeling today," The Doctor asks.

" Fine," izuku says; Fine is a way of telling someone your not feeling the best you possibly could, but you don't want to bother them with your problems, I have been telling the doctors im ' fine' for years.

" That's good," The Doctor says, doing normal doctor things after the doctor leaves. I look back at bakugo, who is on his phone.

" kacchan guess what."

" eh?"

" The nurses told me that if everything is going good, I get to go home," bakugo perks up at this.

" Guess we will have to go get katsudon then," bakugo says.

" And go to all the hero stores! I heard mount lady is giving out autographs at the mall on Wednesday!" I say,kacchan ruffles my hair and grabs his bag.

" the old hag says I have to go see you tomorrow Deku."

" tomorrow, kacchan," I say, watching him leave.

" see you tomorrow....."

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