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The two glowing balls hovered like alien fireflies above Luke's body lying motionless in the mud. Standing protectively next to his fallen master, a little barrel-shaped droid periodically extended an appendage to swat at the dancing objects as if they were mosquitoes. But the hovering balls of light leaped just out of the robot's reach.

Artoo-Detoo leaned over Luke's inert body and whistled in an effort to revive him. But Luke, stunned unconscious by the charges of those energy balls, did not respond. The robot turned to Yoda, who was sitting calmly on a tree stump, and angrily began to beep and scold the little Jedi Master.

Getting no sympathy from him, Artoo turned back to Luke. His electronic circuits told him there was no use trying to wake Luke with his little nooses. An emergency rescue system was activated within his metal hull and Artoo extended a small metal electrode and rested it on Luke's chest. Uttering a quiet beep of concern, Artoo generated a mild electrical charge, just strong enough to jolt Luke back to consciousness. The youth's chest heaved and he awoke with a start.

Looking dazed, the young Jedi student shook his head clear. He looked around him, rubbing his shoulders to ease the ache from Yoda's seeker balls' attack. Glimpsing the seekers still suspended over him, Luke scowled. Then he heard Yoda chuckle merrily nearby, and turned his glare on him.

"Concentration, heh?" Yoda laughed, his lined face creased with enjoyment. "Concentration!"

Luke was in no mood to return his smile. "I thought those seekers were set to stun!" He exclaimed angrily.

"That they are." The amused Yoda answered.

"They're a lot stronger than I'm used to." Luke's shoulder ached painfully.

"That would not matter were the Force flowing though you," Yoda reasoned. "Higher you'd  jump! Faster you'd move!" He exclaimed. "Open yourself to the Force you must."

The youth was beginning to feel exasperated with his arduous training, although he had only been at it a short time. He had felt very close knowing the Force- but so many times he failed and had realized how very far away it was from him still. But now Yoda's goading words made him spring to his feet. He was tired of waiting so long for this power, weary at his lack of success, and increasingly infuriated by Yoda's cryptic teachings.

Luke grabbed his laser sword from the mud and quickly ignited it.

Terrified, Artoo-Detoo scurried away to safety.

"I'm open to it now!" Luke shouted. "I feel it. Come on, you little flying blasters!" With fire in his eyes, Luke poised his weapon and moved toward the seekers. Immediately they zipped away and retreated to hover over Yoda.

"No, no," the Jedi Master scolded, shaking his hoary head. "This will not do. Anger is what you feel."

"But I feel the Force!" Luke protested vehemently.

"Anger, anger, fear, aggression!" Yoda warned. "The Dark Side of the Force are they. Easily they flow . . . quick to join in a fight. Beware, beware, beware of them. A heavy price is paid for the power they bring."

Luke lowered his sword and stared at Yoda in confusion. "Price?" He asked. "What do you mean?"

"The dark side beckons," Yoda said dramatically. "But if once start you down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny. Consume you it will . . . As it did Obi-Wan's apprentice."

Luke nodded. He knew who Yoda meant. "Vader." He said. After he thought for a moment, Luke asked, "Is the dark side stronger?"

"No, no. Easier, quicker, more seductive."

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