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Without warning, right in the middle
of a step, Mara vanished. Mara? Luke thought desperately towards her, stretching out with the Force. Mara!

But there was no response. Somehow, they must have gotten past her danger sense and combat skills and had launched a sudden and overwhelming attack.

And she was unconscious. Or dead.

"No," he whispered aloud, his pulse pounding in his ears. Once again, a person he cared for . . .

"No!" He bit out between clenched teeth, the agony in his heart swirling into something dark and deadly as the pain turned into growing fury. Deal out casual death, would they? If death was what they wanted, he would show them just what death looked like. In his mind's eye he saw himself striding down the spiral slideway, throwing the aliens aside like sand dolls, their bodies slamming against the unyielding black stone and dropping crumpled  to the floor. His lightsaber would flash through their ranks, cutting through weapons and bodies and leaving more death in its wake-

 His lightsaber would flash through their ranks, cutting through weapons and bodies and leaving more death in its wake-

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