its 35 degrees AGAIN

6 1 0

I feel like I'm in a sauna or if you would like me to put it in a simpler way, an oven at 480 °C . I am NEVER going to rely on mother for daily weather forecasts again.


"Ma, is it going to be very hot today?" I ask while she stands at my bedroom door.

"No la, look outside, the clouds look quite thick" she replies, looking out the window.

"So is it going to rain then?" I ask again.

"No, today will be very cool! I'm 101% sure!" She confirms confidently.


Looks like she was 101% WRONG. Believing her words, I didn't bring my rubber band, I wore long and thick pants and neither did I bring my electronic fan!

" I think I'm going to die" I say, leaning my head against the pole.

"Oh, stop exaggerating Ali, I bet half of the population got tricked by the weather too. See,! Look at that dude, he's got a sweater and jeans on!" Faith says.

We came all the way to Mandai lake for our local zoo where we are supposed to find out more about what happens behind the scenes. The school had given us a wide variety of choices but Faith and I chose this since it seemed pretty cool and more interesting than the rest.

We were allowed to wear our own clothes but we had to wear labelled tags due to security reasons. Apparently, only 15 students chose this activity, thus, making it the smallest group amongst the other activities but I love the quantity.

Throughout the trip, we learnt what kinds of foods are served to the animals. We even entered a room where the kept the frozen ingredients and for a second, I DID NOT regret wearing these long and thick pants.

The BEST part of the trip was when we went to the hospital where all of us witnessed a live surgery on a monkey who recently broke his rib.

"What the hell?!" Faith exclaims.

"What? Why?" I reply, tugging her shoulder.

"Bryan and Kiara ended up in Childhood and Education together!" She huffs.

Bryan Chia a.k.a 'Nathan Hartono of 2004' because the boy sure can sing. On our second day of school, he sang 'Photograph' by Ed Sheeran while playing his guitar which made Faith and a whole lot more girls fall for him. Unfortunately, Kiara Ng was one of those girls. She's beautiful, talented, tall and slim enough to be a model or an air Stewardess on SIA (Singapore International Airlines) but these things don't intrigue Faith who claims she will make HIM fall for her.

"Remember, you are playing hard to get. You can't show him that you're easy" I remind her.

"Right okay. Anyway, wasn't the tour guide kinda cute?" She says, changing topic and the man she's after.

Faith can be a little bit.....okay never mind.

"That's just insulting sis, this guy right here is hotter than that tour guide who by the way, has a marriage ring on" Ethan says with a smile as he stands next to us.

Ethan Lim a.k.a 'Joseph Schooling of 2004' because the boy loves studying, school and swimming. On sports day 2019, he represented our class and level and won the gold medal for both. He also showcased his toned muscles and six pack, alongside his one sided love for Faith.

I love his perseverance to try to pursue her even though she isn't interested in him at all.

"You don't understand how I'm feeling right now! My crush went out with my rival!" She sighs.

"That's where you're wrong, my crush is currently down because my rival went out with her rival. Soo how about the both of us take a photo together and post about it on Insta?" Ethan suggests.

"You can hashtag it as a zoo date!" I add, helping Ethan.

"Noo! Later Bryan won't look at me anymore!" She replies.

"But, he never looks at her" Ethan whispers in my ear.

"Well, you tried" I whisper back.

"Well, I tried" he says, loud enough for Faith to hear.

"Ethan buddy, you've got to try harder than that if you want to win her heart" Jun Wei, says appearing out of nowhere.

Chan Jun Wei, Nicholas, a.k.a 'U.K. Shyam of 2004' because he can run REALLY fast. His talent only came to light during sports day at the 400m men's final race when our class was the slowest runner and had ZERO ounce of hope until the baton touched his hands, causing the tables to turn as the whole stadium watched him run past the finishing line first.

"Those words coming from you make it seem like a joke la HAHAHA" Faith says jokingly.

"HAHA, don't act all smart pineapple girl" Jun Wei replies using the nickname we all gave her during 'Fruit Week' where she tripped on one that our junior dropped due to a personal issue of 'butter fingers'.

"Oh shut up" She says before all of us laugh at their ridiculous yet hilarious argument.


FIRST CHAPTER OF SALAD DAYS! I'm literally in love with our characters already and I can't wait to see them develop!

Just a little back story, I am a singaporean and am currently 15. Thus, I apologise in advance for the Singlish words you're going to be seeing throughout the book (for e.g la, leh, walao eh, sian, sibei jialat etc) if you would like to know what these mean, search it up hehe:)

In our country, we grew up making friends of different races and religions. That's why, these group of friends are of different colours and races which you will learn about in the upcoming chapters!


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2019 ⏰

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