Chapter 1

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"You're so stupid!"

I'm Not stupid... You are!

"You're so ugly, man. Hey, I'm sorry, but its the truth."

It's not true! I'm not ugly and I know I am not because he tells me that everyday.

"Why are you looking at me? Please you're so weird."

I'm not wierd... You ugly bitch!

"Hey everybody! Look, its J-HORSE!"

My name isn't JHorse... Its JHOPE!

"Does this guy even exist?"

I do exist!

"I heard no one loves him... Thats so sad."

That's a lie. My oppa loves me more than you.

"I feel sorry for his parents."

I never do anything wrong to them.

"Girls... Even guys don't want him. Ha ha ha ha! That's so just sad."

I don't need them anyway. All I need is my Oppa.

"J-horse.... J-horse... J-horse... J-horse...

Stop calling me JHORSE!

"No son of him is wasting his life with this stupid music."

Why can't you understand my love for him and his music? Its not hurting anyone.

"Why can't you be a good son?"

I am a good son.

"Thanks to you. My friends stop talking to me because I have a weird ugly brother."

Its not my fault... It wasn't...

"Stop making your umma cry! How about you act like your age?!"

I do act like my age appa. I didn't mean to make umma cry.


Nobody loves me and they all called me ugly since I am. I didn't have any friends since everyone was ashamed of me and didn't want to be near me, except my pet dog, but my father ran him over. I had no one to hug, love, be happy and wanted throughout my whole life... Until he came and I swear he was so perfect when I saw him. He had big eyes with single and double eyelids with a small face. He had long wavy brown hair with the most beautiful caramel  skin you ever seen; sure koreans might consider him dark or "black", but... It doesn't matter because he's beautiful. When you learn about Korea's ideal beauty standard for males, he is perfect. He's not even Korean, he's Japanese, Native American and Black. You can never tell because he looks more Japanese then other biracial people. He was perfect and no one understand how much I love him... Or how perfect we'll be together. I hate sharing him with other million fans out there in the world. How am I going to be start a relationship with him if other fans keep getting in our way? I watch the time on my phone so I can watch Weekly Idol in a few minutes. He's going to be a guest on there this week and I'm happy to see him. I turned to Simply Kpop to see who won this week  and it was my bias.

"We want to thank the fans who vote for us to win this award. Thank you so much and I hope you continue to support us guys. We love you Lovelies and remember, you all are beautiful just the way you are." His smile was so big as he and his group members hugged each other while talking to other groups and idols. All the fans were screaming and cheering for the new debuted group that won. I turn my TV off and stare at the clock.

11:40 pm

Tomorrow they will be guest star on Weekly Idol... I get to see him... He is my lover and I am his biggest fan. I watch him the time he got up and the time he goes to bed. I watch him perform songs just for me. I know what his favorite color is, food, sports, shampoo and etc. Why? Because I love him and he loves me. To him, I'm beautiful. But... Of course, there is one sad thing that I can not stand. He doesn't know I exist and... I have to share him with other million fans in the world, but today... Everything is going to change for the better. I got up from the cough and enter my room filled with Posters of Daisake and his group members. I walk over to my night stand and picked up a napkin. 

The napkin was folded and inside was a few strands of his hair. I bought it from another sasaeng who was willing to sell it for 1 million yen. I, most definitely, made sure that it was his hair. It was brown and curly with the scent of his shampoo.  I sniff it deeply before I go to bed and watch his posters on the wall.

"Good night Daisake." I said. I can imagine him talking to me right now.

Good night... JHope...

So... How was chapter 1? I hope you like it! I know you guys have question and will like to know what's going on. Later on the book you will find out. If you guys read "Its me or him. Choose BamBam." story     Shelldon, a character I made in that story will be in here along with Xiumin from EXO. I'm pretty sure you guys knew which group Xiumin is, but if you didn't then its ok. Shelldon and his twin brother Daisake or american name Davis will be the main character in this story. So, I hope you guys like the introduction and first chapter. There are some wondering why I'm writing a story about Sasaeng fans-- I mean freaks because I wanted to what are Sasaeng fans.

So I looked up on youtube to get a better understanding of them. Now let me tell you something.... WHAT THE FLIPPER NUGGET FUCK IS WRONG WITH THEM?! I heard that they were obsess and have crazy love for their oppas and noonas, but watching that documentary and fancams about them. They are freaking scary and crazy. I myself, is scared of them and they give me nightmares more than Five Nights at Freddy's. If I become a trainee and then get debut, I'll be scared and worried that it might happen to me. I love kpop and I really want to become a k idol, but these sasaengs nutjob are scaring me not to become one. First, they follow them, sneak into their house and kiss them while they sleep, upload their personal information then sells it. They harassed their family, friends or anyone that is close to them and send them; semen, bras, underwear, used pads or tampons. Now that is REALLY creepy.

I was thinking long and hard about those creeps and it gave me a idea to write a fanfic about this. So yeah... I guess you guys know. Well, good night and I will update the next chapter.

Be the way, what should be Daisake, Shelldon, and Xiumin' group name? Just message me or leave a comment.

Good morning and good night!

Bye bye!

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