Chapter 6 - A Goddess Visited Me!

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Hello, nice to meet you again! Chapter 6 is here. Please enjoy!

Yuuki's House

A few weeks had passed after my first meeting with the beasts of the forest. These weeks past like a flash as I learnt to live and adapt with the life of another world and in a mountain.

Strange as it seemed, now I had became very close with the beasts of the Forest Of Nowhere.

At first, after I fainted a few weeks ago, they became quite worried. Suspicious as I was, I had never tried to trick or attack any of them even though I was directed with suspicion. Therefore, they accompanied Byakko who carried me on his back to my house.

I was wondering how they knew about my house. But, since Wisdom said that the moment I built or adjust the house, a powerful magic wave could be felt around five kilometers radius. Therefore, they just had a wild guess that I was related to that. So, they went there.

Just after we arrived, the beasts met with Rimuru who was bouncing towards my unconscious body. She was very worried about me at that moment and was quite suspicious of the beasts, especially Byakko since he carried me.

It almost turned into a big fight when Byakko ordered Rimuru to move when Rimuru tried to carry me. From what I heard from the beasts, Byakko was too agitated to think calmly since I, his master had lost consciousness right in from of him. He wanted to let me rest in my house rather than their homes since I would feel more comfortable that way.

Rimuru on the other hand, almost tried to attack Byakko after he roared at her to move away. Wisdom said that it was true.

Luckily, Miria, the black cat had mediated the situation and quickly calmed them and said to bring me to bed quickly rather than arguing.

Miria was quite a cool and calm woman in my opinion, though she's a monster. I would love to learn how she could calm things down even though Byakko's far stronger than her.

When I woke up after a few hours, Rimuru was the first to notice and she bounced into my stomach with great speed. I hugged her gently since I had made her worried quite a bit.

Long story short, they were worried about me and we visited each other frequently to be closer. I brought some cookies and other foods to them and they were quite popular among them.

Surprisingly, after a few visits, all of them asked me to made them my familiar. Of course I was very happy to know that but I would only harm myself if I name them one after another without gap. Therefore, I only welcome them into my family around 5 to 13 a day with gap around morning until night.

Day after day, week after week, I had finally made all of them my familiar. I had an unknown feelings of success when I finished although I don't know why.

As weeks passed by, we became very close and sometimes, they slept in my house.

Thus, my life was truly enjoyable these weeks.

[Master, what will you cook today?]

"Hmm.... curry maybe? I had the urge to eat it."


Such conversation was what I had with Byakko who was looking at me with expectations in his eyes.

After spending a few weeks cooking by myself, I found that my cooking skills increased and somehow I could instinctively know what was edible and not or what can I made it more delicious.

There was a day that I cooked lamb steaks and the smell was very appetizing. Byakko who noticed the smell came to me as fast as lightning and asked me to feed him some.

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