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Your pov:
You open the door and go to the direction of the Metro as the entertainment building is quite far away from where you live. As soon as oyu opened the door you felt the cold breeze going in your face, you start walking fast, hoping that none of your or Ateezs Fans Sees you.
Finally after some time waiting you could sit down in the Train and drive to the entertainment.
"She should be here somewhere!" you hear a person say and turn to them, you regretted doing that in the moment.
You say your boyfriend kissing another girl.
"I finally found you" they hug each other and your World begins to shatter. You leave the Train on the next Station even though that Wasnt in the near of the entertainment you didn't wanted to meet them anymore.

I wont be coming have fun

Why? Everything alright?

What Happened...
Please dont ignore me
Maybe I can help you

*San_shibersdad has been blocked*

"Im Sorry. I just dont wanna talk about it..."
You go through the City and take the fastes way home, you lay down your bag on the Couch and run Straight into your room.
Without even really sitting on your bed you directly start crying... You thought that he loved you but no he doesnt. It seemed like your life Was shattering so you didn't know who to trust anymore

"Maybe Soojin hates me aswell? OR SAN?!"
You pull your legs closer to your body and lay your head down on your knees. You werent sure what to do or who you could tell about it so you did the first thing that came to your mind.
Talking to Jungkook

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