Predator or Prey?

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Signe burst out laughing at (Y/N)'s version of the superfrown, giggling as the duo sat at the lunch table. The blonde-haired girl took a sip of her milk as (Y/N) chuckled heartily, the laugh having a guy-like sound to it.

"Man, I love that group." Signe shrugged. (Y/N) nodded as Signe continued. "Especially Avi's overtones. How in the fuck does he do that?"

(Y/N) doubled over in laughter. After a few minutes of uninterrupted laughter, they calmed down, (Y/N) wiping away tears. 

"Okay. We need to get serious now." Signe suddenly picked up on (Y/N)'s vibe, her smile dissipating. 

"Oh, yeah. Have you heard back from Max?" (Y/N)'s nod sent fear into her hearts. "AVP's got a killer on me. I don't know how in the hell Max found out, but I think he had a guy slip into a certain killer's house, raid his email and he found files on me on there."

Signe nodded. "What do we know about the killer?" 

(Y/N) grinned, pulling out a file on Anti, sliding it over to the girl across from her before nibbling on a fry. "He normally works alone, so he's our only threat. But, we don't have a lot of time to act before he strikes. We have to be smart. We mess up.... it'll be the last time we do."

Neither of the girls at the table knew about Dark, though.

~The Last Thing You See is Me- Antisepticeye x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now