Wildest Dreams

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"You can't do this."

"You don't understand." I begin to try and explain to him. "All the bad, all the sin, this is how I wash it clean."

"No, You can't, not like this. Let's drop everything. Let's get out of this town, away from the crowds of people. Wr can drive out of the city rn."

My god, Heaven can't even help me now. Sadly I remember the words of a long gone friend, nothing lasts forever. But this is gonna take me down. But him, I don't understand how I can so willingly leave him. I love him, I know I do, but this is for me. I need to do this.

"No one has to know what we do." He says as his hands find themselves in my hair as I try to turn away.

I sigh heavily. His voice is a familiar sound. And this life was just getting good. But I need to do this. I have to.

"I have to do this. I don't want to leave you. And don't think for one second that I wanted to leave you, not like this. But my values, morals, gone. If this is what it takes for redemption, I must do it."

And we spent the night negotiating. But he finally understood. This isn't how I wanted to go but how I need to. He's still broken. I even cried with him over it and it's my choice.

"Listen," I put my hands in his hair, "when we've had our very last kiss, promise me something, okay?" He nods through red eyes. "Say you'll remember me standing in a nice dress staring at the sunset with my red lips and rosy cheeks like how I was when we first meet. Before I was battered and broken and going on a suicide mission. Say you'll see me again even if it's just in your wildest dreams." He kisses me hard as tears get mixed up on faces to the point where I don't know who's they are.


"You'll remember me, right?" I ask embarrassed. "I mean you're not gonna ask to have my memory erased?"

"Of course not!" He says astounded. "Someone needs to remember the girl who saved us, died for us." It's enough to make me smile softly. I'm getting nervous now. I can see the end as it begins. Today is the day, the day I have turn myself over, the day I die so millions can live. This life is all about sacrifice and that's what I'm doing, sacrificing my life so that he may live, so they all may live.

"Someday," I whisper as I lay on his shoulder. "when I leave, I bet these memories hold you. You'll see me in hindsight tangled up with you all night. Someday, I bet these memories follow you around." He sighs into my hair and I can picture him closing his eyes.

"But remember, I'll see you again, even if it's just pretend." I smile up at him the best I can muster.

"Right," He returns the smile. "in my wildest dreams."
Wow okay. I don't really know where this went but blame Taylor Swift and her new album! Anyways! Happy Halloween!!🎃 Any SPN costumes tonight? I know I have one :) But hope this one is okay And I didnt edit so ignore typos please. Have a great night!

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