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Team 7 had gotten back from their last mission last night-- the first mission they had without Kakashi leading them. Sasuke was the only one to get injured, and after he was examined, the medics told the rest of the team that it was nothing serious and he'd be fine soon.

That was relieving. However, it meant that Hoshino had one less sparring partner until he was released from the hospital.

Hoshino aimlessly walked the streets of Konohagakure, not knowing or paying attention to where he was, trying to get familiar with the surrounding so he could take a guess at where he might be.

"This place..." He murmured to himself. "Where we had our first test; the bells... ah. That feels like years and years ago." He proceeded to wander around, scanning the tress and grass, wishing he could remember everything about the field. Soon, he reached the posts, where Naruto had been tied up.

He approached the four posts and ran his hand along one of them, indulging in the memories they had made here. He turned around to the memorial stone, then saw that he wasn't alone.

Kakashi stood alone in front of the rock, a small bouquet of flowers sitting by his feet. Hoshino paused, thinking about whether or not he might want to be alone.

Before he could make up his mind, Kakashi turned around and saw him. Not saying a word, he waved Hoshino over. Hoshino kept the silence as he walked up to the stone, looking at the names engraved on it, the newest and brightest reading the name of the Third Hokage.

They stood there for a few moments before Kakashi turned to look at him. "Did you need me?"

Hoshino looked back at him. "Do you mean right now, or recently?"

"Both I suppose."

"Then... yes. I did need you recently. I'm sorry for intruding."

"You're not intruding on anything." Kakashi said, patting him on the head, then leaving his hand there.

Hoshino's eyes drifted up to what he could see of his face. His eye showed a hint of his sadness, and it also looked as if he was upset with himself about something.

"Kakashi-San?" Hoshino asked before he could stop himself.

"Yes, Hoshino-Kun?" His eye met Hoshino's, and it felt like he knew what he was going to say.

"Can you tell me about them?" Hoshino asked after a brief pause.

Kakashi raised the hand that was on Hoshino's head and moved it towards the rock. His index finger landed on a name and Hoshino leaned forward to see it.

Uchiha Obito.

Hoshino repeated the name softly, and Kakashi moved his hand again. His finger stopped.

Nohara Rin.

"As you know, they were both my teammates." Kakashi said, taking his finger off the stone. "Back in the Third Shinobi War," he cleared his throat as he sat down, beckoning for Hoshino to join him, "and even before... I was a completely different person than I am now. I was always talking about rules-- emphasizing them over anything else. I didn't put my comrades first. I let them die..." he took a breath, "My team consisting of myself, Obito, and Rin was under Namikaze Minato, who later became the Fourth Hokage. We were much like you guys-- Obito and I didn't get along very well, much like Naruto and Sasuke, and Rin was always encouraging us to get along-- like you."

Hoshino smiled.

"Like Sakura, she was interested in medical ninjutsu. She also-- like you, had exceptional chakra control. It was a like a love triangle. Obito was crushing on Rin, who was crushing on me. I didn't particularly have an interest in anyone at the time."

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