Im sorry Chelsea

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Chelsea went straight to the bathroom as soon as she got in. She searched through the cabinets.
"Aha I found you my old friend" Chelsea said
She got the blade out and started cutting first they were light then they got deeper
"This is for being a girl with no life" she cut her self
"This is for being me" she cut herself again
"This is for having no friends"and she cut herself again
"And this is for losing Beau" she cut herself once more.
She then fell to the floor in pain and weakness with loads of cuts all up her arm.
"Chelsea?" Beau shouted
"Chelsea?" He shouted again
"Chelsea?" He goes again
"CHELSEA?" He then starts searching round the house for her. He goes in to the kitchen then into her garden then he goes upstairs and goes in the guest room and her room and finds her in the bathroom with cuts up her arm.
"Chelsea" beau says again
"We need to get you to the hospital...and quick" he starts and he then picks me up and puts me in my car because he left his at school when he got into my car to come home.
"I'm so sorry" Beau says

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